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Journal of Chongqing University(Natural Science Edition)
2009 Issue 9
Strength analysis for special bolt of large-scale hanger system
TANG Qian;PEI Lin-qing;LU Bo
Quantitative assessment method for the quality of anchors
CHEN dian-gong;LIO Hai-yuan;ZHANG Yong-xing
Experiment research on aseismatic capability of diagonally crossing reinforced coupling beams with the small ratio of span to depth
PI Tian-xiang;FU jian-ping;BAI Shao-liang;YI bo;ZAN lin
Analysis of shifting control for dry dual clutch system
QIN Da-tong;ZHAO Yu-sheng;HU Jian-jun;YE Ming
Optimization design for hydraulic-support of standing shield
WANG Zhong-bin;ZHAO La-la;LI Shu-bin;NI Wen-feng
Numerical analysis of noise radiation from motorcycle engine shell
YANG Cheng;ZHOU Ke;OHEN Xu;WU Xing-rang;WANG Zhong-fang;ZHOU Jin-jia
Study on thermal performance of vessel type green roof
TANG Ming-fang;ZHENG Kai-li;YAN Yong-hong;KE Si-zheng
Fast algorithm for apparent resistivity calculation based on back propagation neural networks
XIE Pin-fang;XIE Lin-tao;FU Zhi-hong;ZHANG Huai-qing
Study on NO2 gas sensing characteristics of In-doped ZnO thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering
FANG Liang;PENG Li-ping;YANG Xiao-fei;HUANG Qiu-liu;ZHOU Ke;WU Fang;LIU Gao-bin;MA Yong
Parameter design and simulation for an improved direct current side active power filter
HOU Shi-ying;DI Li-ming;SUO Li-juan;XU Xi
Numerical simulation of NO and N2O emission in fluidized bed reactor
ZHOU Jia-ping;TANG Qiang;ZHANG Li;HOU Shi-feng
Pedestrian detection in infrared images
GUO Yong-cai;HU Rui-guang;GAO Chao
Design of compatible processing and analyzing system for nuclear signals
REN Yong;WEI Biao;FENG Peng;TANG Yue-lin;MI De-ling
Cost forecast model for power engineering based on feature extraction and small-sample learning
PENG Guang-jin;YU Ji-hui;WEI Jun-tao;YANG Guang
Design and fabrication of a novel resonator for resonant accelerometer
HE Gao-fa;TANG Yi-ke;ZHOU Chuan-de;HE Xiao-ping;WU Ying
Highly linear wideband low noise amplifier based on GaAs pHEMT
TAN Xiao-heng;FU Yang-dong;LIN Jie;HUANG Jian
Simulation study on COREX process system
WANG Cheng-shan;XIAO Xing-guo;WANG Wen-zhong