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Finance and Trade Research
2003 Issue 5
A Revelution in the Regulatory System of Financial Expenditure
liu da hong ; tian kai you
The Probe into the Character of BOT Agreement
xue wen ; xiong jun feng
ji yu zhi shi guan li de zu zhi jie gou bian ge yan jiu
liu cong jiu ; liu shi lan
lun wo guo lv xing she de pin pai hua jing ying
ge li fang
lun qi ye dao ru ci she ji de shi ji
liu gao feng
wang luo huan jing xia qi ye he zuo tan xi
sheng jian feng ; liu zhi zuo
On Transaction of Property Rights of Human Capital
kong ling feng ; huang qian
An Analysis of Location Difference about Regional Competition Power
wei min ; li guo ping
zhan lue xing zi chan zi ben jie gou yu qi ye ji xiao
jiang fu xiu
shu tong li lv chuan dao ji zhi
li li ; liu chen ; liu li
The Rational Thought about the Potential Risks after the Great Inflow of FDI
ye yao ming ; wu jian wei
New Attempt of Found Assurance Financing in Country
liu ji
qi ye zeng zhi shui shui shou chou hua tan tao
huang hong
cai zheng gong gong xing bian xi
wang rui
guan yu min ying qi ye ji qun fa zhan de ji dian si kao
liang xing ping
lun qu yu jing ji xue de li lun chuang xin
zhu chuan geng ; zhu shun
Comparison between the U.S. And Japanese MNCs
xu song