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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2014 Issue 6
W.H.Wang;Z.F.Zhang;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences at Beijing;
Dynamic Mechanical Relaxation in Bulk Metallic Glasses:A Review
J.C. Qiao;J.M. Pelletier;Université de Lyon;CNRS;France;INSA-Lyon;MATEIS UMR5510;F-69621 Villeurbanne;France;
A Diagram for Glass Transition and Plastic Deformation in Model Metallic Glasses
X.Q. Gao;W.H. Wang;H.Y. Bai;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Correlation Between Local Atomic Symmetry and Mechanical Properties in Metallic Glasses
M.Z. Li;Department of Physics;Renmin University of China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronic Functional Materials & Micro-nano Devices;Renmin University of China;
Structure Heterogeneity in Metallic Glass: Modeling and Experiment
H.B. Ke;J.F. Zeng;C.T. Liu;Y. Yang;Centre for Advanced Structural Materials;Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering;City University of Hong Kong;
Designing Bulk Metallic Glass Composites with Enhanced Formability and Plasticity
Y. Wu;H. Wang;X.J. Liu;X.H. Chen;X.D. Hui;Y. Zhang;Z.P. Lu;State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Dry Sliding Tribological Properties of a Dendrite-reinforced Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composite
Huijun Yang;Yong Liu;Teng Zhang;Hengpeng Wang;Bin Tang;Junwei Qiao;Research Institute of Surface Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;Laboratory of Applied Physics and Mechanics of Advanced Materials;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Behaviour of Metastable Cu-Zr-Co Alloys
S. Pauly;K. Kosiba;P. Gargarella;B. Escher;K.K. Song;G. Wang;U. Kühn;J. Eckert;IFW Dresden;Institut für Komplexe Materialien;HelmholtzstraBe 20;D-01069 Dresden;Germany;Laboratory for Microstructures;Shanghai University;TU Dresden;Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft;D-01062 Dresden;Germany;
Large-sized CuZr-based Bulk Metallic Glass Composite with Enhanced Mechanical Properties
Junfeng Ding;Zengqian Liu;Hui Wang;Tao Zhang;Key Laboratory of Aerospace Materials and Performance;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beihang University;Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Tensile Elastic Behavior of a Zr-Cu-Ag-Al Bulk Metallic Glass
Q.P. Cao;J.B. Jin;Q. Yu;X.D. Wang;D.X. Zhang;Y. Jiang;J.Z. Jiang;International Center for New-Structured Materials;State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials;Department of Materials Science and Engineering;Zhejiang University;Department of Mechanical Engineering;University of Nevada;Reno;NV 89557;USA;State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation;Zhejiang University;
Notch Effect of Materials: Strengthening or Weakening?
Ruitao Qu;Peng Zhang;Zhefeng Zhang;Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Plastic Flow of a Cu50Zr45Ti5 Bulk Metallic Glass Composite
G. Wang;S. Pauly;S. Gorantla;N. Mattern;J. Eckert;Laboratory for Microstructures;Shanghai University;IFW-Dresden;Institute for Complex Materials;Helmholtzstr. 20;D-01069 Dresden;Germany;TU Dresden;Institute of Materials Science;D-01062 Dresden;Germany;
Onset and Direction of Shear Banding Instability in Metallic Glasses
Yan Chen;Lanhong Dai;State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics;Institute of Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Fatigue Behaviors of a Ni-free ZrCuFeAlAg Bulk Metallic Glass in Simulated Body Fluid
Yimei Wang;Yan Liu;Lin Liu;School of Materials Science and Engineering;State Key Lab for Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
A Damage-tolerant Bulk Metallic Glass at Liquid-nitrogen Temperature
Jun Yi;S. Mohsen Seifi;Weihua Wang;John J. Lewandowski;Department of Materials Science and Engineering;Case Western Reserve University;Cleveland;OH 44106-7204;USA;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
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