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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2013 Issue 5
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Continuous Cooling Bainite Transformation Characteristics of a Low Carbon Microalloyed Steel under the Simulated Welding Thermal Cycle Process
Xiangwei Kong~ *);Chunlin Qiu~ ) 1) School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110004;China 2) State Key Laboratory of Rolling Technology and Automation;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110819;China
Comparative Analysis of Ti,Ni,and Au Electrodes on Characteristics of TiO2 Nanofibers for Humidity Sensor Application
S.S.Batool~ *);Z.Imran~ );M.Israr Qadir~ );M.Usman~ );H.Jamil~ );M.A.Rafiq~ *);M.M.Hassan~ );M.Willander~ ) 1) Micro and Nano Devices Group;Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering;Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences;PO Nilore;Islamabad 45650;Pakistan 2) Department of Science and Technology;Campus Norrkping;Linkping University;SE-60174 Norrkping;Sweden
Preparation,Characterization and Hot Storage Stability of Asphalt Modified by Waste Polyethylene Packaging
Changqing Fang~ *);Ying Zhang~ );Qian Yu~ );Xing Zhou~ );Dagang Guo~ *);Ruien Yu~ );Min Zhang~ ) 1) School of Printing and Packaging Engineering;Xi’an University of Technology;Xi’an 710048;China 2) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi’an 710072;China 3) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an 710049;China
Quantitative Analysis of Graphene Sheet Content in Wood Char Powders during Catalytic Pyrolysis
Yan-Jia Liou;Wu-Jang Huang Department of Environmental Engineering and Science;National Ping-Tung University of Science and Technology;Ping-Tung County;Taiwan;China
Structural and Physical Property Analysis of ZnO-SnO2—In2O3—Ga2O3 Quaternary Transparent Conducting Oxide System
P.Jayaram~ );T.P.Jaya~ );Smagul Zh.Karazhanov~ );P.P.Pradyumnan~ *) 1) Department of Physics;University of Calicut;Calicut University;Malappuram District;Kerala 673 635;India 2) Department for Solar Energy;Institute for Energy Technology;Instituttveien 18;2027 Kjeller;Norway
Deformation Temperature Dependence of Mechanical Properties and Microstructures for a Novel Quenching—Partitioning—Tempering Steel
Ying Wang;Zhenghong Guo;Nailu Chen;Yonghua Rong~* School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China
Application of the Extrusion to Increase the Binding between the Ceramic Particles and the Metal Matrix:Enhancement of Mechanical and Tribological Properties
Ali Mazahery;Mohsen Ostad Shabani~* Department of Materials Science;Lenjan Branch;Islamic Azad University;Isfahan;Iran
Thin Film Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles for Vapor Sensing via Droplet Interfacial Reaction
Kun Luo~ *);Tao Huang~ );Yujia Luo~ );Haiming Wang~ );Chao Sang~ );Xiaogang Li~ ) 1) Key Laboratory of New Processing Technology for Nonferrous Metals & Materials;Ministry of Education;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Guilin University of Technology;Guilin 541004;China 2) China Medical University;Shenbei New District;Shenyang 111013;China
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Inconel 625 Alloy during Pulsed Plasma Arc Deposition Process
Fujia Xu~;Yaohui Lv~ );Yuxin Liu~ );Fengyuan Shu~ );Peng He~ *);Binshi Xu~ ) 1) State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China 2) National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing;Academy of Armored Forces Engineering;Beijing 100072;China
Effects of Filler Metal Composition on Inclusions and Inclusion Defects for ER NiCrFe-7 Weldments
Wenlin Mo;Shanping Lu~*;Dianzhong Li;Yiyi Li Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Shear Deformation Behaviors of Sn3.5Ag Lead-free Solder Samples
Jing Han~ );Hongtao Chen~ );Mingyu Li~ *);Chunqing Wang~ ) 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering;Shenzhen Graduate School;Harbin Institute of Technology;Shenzhen 518055;China 2) State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Production Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Effect of Microstructure of Composite Powders on Microstructure and Properties of Microwave Sintered Alumina Matrix Ceramics
Hanmin Bian~ );Yong Yang~ *);You Wang~ );Wei Tian~ );Haifu Jiang~ );Zhijuan Hu~ );Weimin Yu~ ) 1) Department of Materials Science;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China 2) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Hebei University of Technology;Tianjin 300132;China 3) Tianjin Cement Industry Design & Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;Tianjin 300400;China 4) China Gas Turbine Establishment;Chengdu 610500;China 5) National Defense Science and Technology Key Lab for Reliability and Environment Engineering Technology;Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering;Beijing 100029;China
Effect of Pressure on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AM60B Alloy Used for Motorcycle Wheels Formed by Double Control Forming
Jufu Jiang~ *);Yuansheng Cheng~ );Zhiming Du~ );Jun Liu~ );Yuanfa Li~ );Shoujing Luo~ ) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China 2) Mg Technology Co.Ltd.of Ka Shui Group;Shenzhen 518111;China
Submicrometer-scale ZnO Composite Aggregate Arrays Photoanodes for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Wei Jia;Suihu Dang;Hairui Liu;Zhuxia Zhang;Tianbao Li;Xuguang Liu;Bingshe Xu Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials;Ministry of Education and Research Center of Advanced Materials Science and Technology;Taiyuan University of Technology;Taiyuan 030024;China
In-situ Observation of Point Defect and Precipitate Evolvement of CLAM Steel under Electron Irradiation
Yong Xin~ );Tongda Ma~ );Xin Ju~ *);Jie Qiu~ ) 1) Department of Physics;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China 2) General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals;Beijing 100088;China 3) Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
ZnO Nanoparticles as Ethanol Gas Sensors and the Effective Parameters on Their Performance
Asieh Sadat Kazemi~ );Reza Afzalzadeh~ );Mohamadreza Abadyan~ *) 1) Bojnourd Branch;Islamic Azad University;Bojnourd;Iran 2) School of Physics;Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology;Tehran;Iran 3) Shahrekord Branch;Islamic Azad University;Shahrekord;Iran