Shear Deformation Behaviors of Sn3.5Ag Lead-free Solder Samples
Jing Han~ );Hongtao Chen~ );Mingyu Li~ *);Chunqing Wang~ ) 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering;Shenzhen Graduate School;Harbin Institute of Technology;Shenzhen 518055;China 2) State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Production Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Effect of Microstructure of Composite Powders on Microstructure and Properties of Microwave Sintered Alumina Matrix Ceramics
Hanmin Bian~ );Yong Yang~ *);You Wang~ );Wei Tian~ );Haifu Jiang~ );Zhijuan Hu~ );Weimin Yu~ ) 1) Department of Materials Science;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China 2) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Hebei University of Technology;Tianjin 300132;China 3) Tianjin Cement Industry Design & Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;Tianjin 300400;China 4) China Gas Turbine Establishment;Chengdu 610500;China 5) National Defense Science and Technology Key Lab for Reliability and Environment Engineering Technology;Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering;Beijing 100029;China