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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2013 Issue 10
Modifying the Properties of Tungsten Based Plasma Facing Materials with Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Shuming Wang;Chongxiao Sun;Wenhao Guo;Changchun Ge;Qingzhi Yan;Qiang Zhou;Pengwan Chen;Zhibao Chen;School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science & Technology Beijing;State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology;Beijing Institute of Technology;Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Advanced Copper and Tungsten Materials;Jiangxi Academy of Sciences;
Formation of Fine Spheroidal Microstructure of Semi-Solid Al—Zn—Mg—Cu Alloy by Hyperthermally and Subsequent Isothermally Reheating
Gang Chen;Jufu Jiang;Zhiming Du;Qi Cao;Hongwei Li;Xin Zhang;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Technology Institute;Beijing North Vehicle Group Corporation;Beijing Engineering Research Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Elevation of Special Vehicle Parts;
A Novel Aminoalkylsilane Compound with Oligo(ethylene oxide) Units as Effective Additive for Improving Cyclability of Lithium-ion Batteries
Suqing Wang;Jinglun Wang;Hao Luo;Xinyue Zhao;Lingzhi Zhang;Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Rapid Synthesis of Piezoelectric ZnO-Nanostructures for Micro Power-Generators
Nai-Feng Hsu;Tien-Kan Chung;Ming Chang;Hong-Jun Chen;Department of General Education;Army Academy;Department of Mechanical Engineering;National Chiao Tung University;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Chung Yuan Christian University;State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Al 1060/Pure Iron Clad Materials by Vacuum Roll Bonding and Their Solderability
Qian Wang;Xuesong Leng;Jiuchun Yan;Weibing Guo;Yu Fu;Tianming Luan;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Positive MR and Large Temperature—Field Sensitivity in Manganite Based Heterostructures
Uma Khachar;P.S.Solanki;R.J.Choudhary;D.M.Phase;D.G.Kuberkar;Department of Physics;Saurashtra University;UGCe—DAE Consortium for Scientifc Research;
Solid State Reaction Preparation of LiFePO4/(C+Cu) Cathode Material and Its Electrochemical Performance
Yanhong Yin;Xiangnan Li;Xinxin Mao;Xianliang Ding;Shuting Yang;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Henan Normal University;Engineering Technology Research Center of Motive Power and Key Materials of Henan Province;
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Microstructural Evolution during Partial Remelting of Al—Si Alloys Containing Different Amounts of Magnesium
A.Abedi;M.Shahmiri;B.Amir Esgandari;B.Nami;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University;School of Metallurgy and Materials Science;Iran University of Science and Technology;
Effect of Temperature on Material Transfer Behavior at Different Stages of Friction Stir Welded 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy
S.D.Ji;Y.Y.Jin;Y.M.Yue;S.S.Gao;Y.X.Huang;L.Wang;Faculty of Aerospace Engineering;Shenyang Aerospace University;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Rapidly Solidifed Steel Droplets with B and P Addition
Na Li;Junwei Zhang;Qian Xu;Lulu Zhai;Shengli Li;Jiguang Li;School of Material and Metallurgy;University of Science and Technology Liaoning;Tianjin Iron and Steel Group Co.;Ltd;
Effect of Brazing Conditions on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al2O3/Ti—6Al—4V Alloy Joints Reinforced by TiB Whiskers
Minxuan Yang;Peng He;Tiesong Lin;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining;Harbin Institute of Technology;Beijing Power Machinery Research Institute;
Flower-shaped CuO Nanostructures: Synthesis,Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity
K.Mageshwari;R.Sathyamoorthy;PG & Research Department of Physics;Kongunadu Arts and Science College;
Synthesis and Characterization of Indium Niobium Oxide Thin Films via Sol—Gel Spin Coating Method
Saeed Mohammadi;Mohammad Reza Golobostanfard;Hossein Abdizadeh;School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering;College of Engineering;University of Tehran;Center of Excellence for High Performance Materials;University of Tehran;
Facile Growth of Porous Hierarchical Structure of ZnO Nanosheets on Alumina Particles via Heterogeneous Precipitation
Hamid Tajizadegan;Majid Jafari;Mehdi Rashidzadeh;Reza Ebrahimi-Kahrizsangi;Omid Torabi;Department of Materials Engineering;Najafabad Branch;Islamic Azad University;Catalysis & Nanotechnology Research Division;Research Institute of Petroleum Industry;
Effect of Fuel to Oxidant Molar Ratio on Structural and DC Electrical Conductivity of ZnO Nanoparticles Prepared by Simple Solution Combustion Method
C.S.Naveen;M.L.Dinesha;H.S.Jayanna;Department of PG Studies and Research in Physics;Kuvempu University;
Optical and Microstructural Characterisations of Pulsed rf Magnetron Sputtered Alumina Thin Film
I.Neelakanta Reddy;V.Rajagopal Reddy;N.Sridhara;S.Basavaraja;A.K.Sharma;Arjun Dey;Thermal Systems Group;ISRO Satellite Centre;Vimanapura Post;Department of Physics;Sri Venkateswara University;Bruker India Nanotechnology Laboratory;Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientifc Research;
Magnetic Flux Alignment Studies on Entrapped Ferrofuid Nanoparticles in Poly Vinyl Alcohol Matrix
K.Jeyasubramanian;N.Selvakumar;J.Ilakkiya;P.Santhoshkumar;Nikil Satish;Sumanta Kumar Sahoo;Nano Science and Technology Lab;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Mepco Schlenk Engineering College;Department of ECE;Jay Shriram Group of Institutions;Department of ECE;Adhiyamaan College of Engineering;Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering;National Institute of Technology;
Infuence of Composition on Self-toughening and Oxidation Properties of Y-a-Sialons
Chunfeng Liu;Feng Ye;Rongsen Xia;Lei Zhang;Yu Zhou;Yudong Huang;Institute for Advanced Ceramics;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Phase-feld Study for Texture Evolution in Polycrystalline Materials under Applied Stress
Yanli Lu;Liuchao Zhang;Yingying Zhou;Zheng Chen;Jianguo Zhang;State Key Lab of Solidifcation Processing;Northwestern Polytechnical University;