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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2011 Issue 8
Nanomaterials Synthesis and Effect of Granular Disorders on Electrical Behavior of Lanthanum Manganites
Avneesh Anshul;S.S. Amritphale;Sarabjeet Kaur and Renu Hada Advanced Materials & Processes Research Institute;Hoshangabad Road;Bhopal-462026;India
Preparation and Characterization of Nano-silver Loaded Montmorillonite with Strong Antibacterial Activity and Slow Release Property
Guangnian Xu1);Xueliang Qiao2);Xiaolin Qiu3) and Jianguo Chen2) 1) Anhui Provincial Laboratory of Biomimetic Sensing and Detection Technology;West Anhui University;Liuan 237012;China 2) State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430074;China 3) Nanomaterials Research Center;Nanchang Institute of Technology;Nanchang 330013;China
Quantifying the Microstructures of Pure Cu Subjected to Dynamic Plastic Deformation at Cryogenic Temperature
F. Yan;H.W. Zhang;N.R. Tao and K. Lu Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Synthesis of Aligned ZnO Nanorod Array on Silicon and Sapphire Substrates by Thermal Evaporation Technique
K.M.K. Srivatsa1);Deepak Chhikara1) and M. Senthil Kumar2) 1) Materials Physics and Engineering Division;National Physical Laboratory;Council of Scientific & Industrial Research;New Delhi 110 012;India 2) Physics of Energy Harvesting Division;National Physical Laboratory;Council of Scientific & Industrial Research;New Delhi 110 012;India
Enhancement of the Photoelectric Performance of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells by Sol-gel Modified TiO2 Films
Yunfeng Zhao1);Xiaojie Li3);Qiuping Li2) and Changsheng Deng1) 1) Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China 2) PetroChina Pipeline R&D Center;Langfang 065000;China 3) ENN Science Technology Development Co. Ltd.;Langfang 065000;China
Effects of Nb Alloying on Nano-Crystallization Kinetics of Fe55-xCr18Mo7B16C4Nbx(x=0, 3) Bulk Amorphous Alloys
S. Ahmadi;H.R. Shahverdi and S.S. Saremi Faculty of Engineering;Department of Materials Science;Tarbiat Modares University;Tehran;P.O. Box 14155111;Iran
Effects of Sc Addition and Annealing Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the As-rolled Mg-3Li alloy
Guiying Sha1);Xiaoguang Sun2);Teng Liu1;3);Yuhong Zhu1) and Tao Yu1) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shenyang Aerospace University;Shenyang 110136;China 2) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China 3) Department of Mechanical Engineering;Wayne State University;Detroit;MI 48202;USA
Modeling of Nucleation and Growth of M23C6 Carbide in Multi-component Fe-based Alloy
Naqiong Zhu1);Yanlin He1);Wenqing Liu1);Lin Li1);Shuigen Huang2);Jef Vleugels2) and Omer Van der Biest2) 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China 2) Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering;Katholieke Uniersiteit Leuven;Kasteelpark Arenberg 44;B- 3001 Heverlee;Belgium
Laser Cladding of Cold-Work Tool Steel by Pulse Shaping
Matej Pleterski1);Janez Tuek1);Tadej Muhic2) and Ladislav Kosec3) 1) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;University of Ljubljana;Akereva cesta 6;Ljubljana;1000;Slovenia 2) TKC D.O.O.;Trnovska Ulica 8;Ljubljana;1000;Slovenia 3) Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering;University of Ljubljana;Akereva Cesta 12;Ljubljana;1000;Slovenia
Porous Indium Oxide Nanorods: Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Sensing Properties
Xifeng Lu1;2) and Longwei Yin1) 1) School of Material Science and Engineering;Shandong University;Jinan 250061;China 2) Lunan Institute of Coal Chemical Engineering;Jining 272000;China
Effect of Bismuth on Intermetallic Compound Growth in Lead Free Solder/Cu Microelectronic Interconnect
T.Y. Kang1);Y.Y. Xiu2);L. Hui2);J.J. Wang2);W.P. Tong1) and C.Z. Liu2)1) Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials;Ministry of Education;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110004;China 2) Shenyang Aerospace University;Shenyang 110136;China
Synthesis of Anatase Titania Nanostructures at Room Temperature by PECVD Technique
K.M.K. Srivatsa1);Deepak Chhikara1) and M. Senthil Kumar2) 1) Materials Physics and Engineering Division;National Physical Laboratory;Council of Scientific & Industrial Research;New Delhi 110 012;India 2) Physics of Energy Harvesting Division;National Physical Laboratory;Council of Scientific & Industrial Research;New Delhi 110 012;India
Computer Simulation of Fe-Al-Si System Diffusion Couples
Zhongping He1);Yanlin He1);Yi Gao2);Lin Li1);Shuigen Huang1;3) and Omer Van der Biest3) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China 2) Cold Rolling Plant of Ansteel;Anshan 114021;China 3) Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering;Katholieke Universiteit Leuven;Kasteelpark Arenberg 44;B-3001 Heverlee;Belgium
Behaviors of Oxide Layer at Interface between Semi-solid Filler Metal and Aluminum Matrix Composites during Vibration
Lei Shi;Jiuchun Yan;Yanfei Han and Bo Peng State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Thermo-activated Dislocation Emission at the Cu/Nb Interface Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Dejun Yu1);Yue Zhang1) and Kaiming Wang2) 1) Anshan Normal University;Anshan 114005;China 2) University of Science and Technology LiaoNing;Anshan 114051;China
First-principles Study of NiAl Alloyed with Rare Earth Element Ce
You Wang;Junqi He;Mufu Yan;Chonggui Li;Liang Wang and Ye Zhou Department of Materials Science;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Effect of Cerium Doping on Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3 Ceramics
Sabina Yasmin1);Shamima Choudhury1);M.A. Hakim2);A.H. Bhuiyan3) and M.J. Rahman3)1) Department of Physics;University of Dhaka;Dhaka-1000;Bangladesh 2) Materials Science Division;Atomic Energy Centre;Dhaka;Dhaka-1000;Bangladesh 3) Department of Physics;Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology;Dhaka-1000;Bangladesh