Laser Cladding of Cold-Work Tool Steel by Pulse Shaping
Matej Pleterski1);Janez Tuek1);Tadej Muhic2) and Ladislav Kosec3) 1) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;University of Ljubljana;Akereva cesta 6;Ljubljana;1000;Slovenia 2) TKC D.O.O.;Trnovska Ulica 8;Ljubljana;1000;Slovenia 3) Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering;University of Ljubljana;Akereva Cesta 12;Ljubljana;1000;Slovenia
Synthesis of Anatase Titania Nanostructures at Room Temperature by PECVD Technique
K.M.K. Srivatsa1);Deepak Chhikara1) and M. Senthil Kumar2) 1) Materials Physics and Engineering Division;National Physical Laboratory;Council of Scientific & Industrial Research;New Delhi 110 012;India 2) Physics of Energy Harvesting Division;National Physical Laboratory;Council of Scientific & Industrial Research;New Delhi 110 012;India
Computer Simulation of Fe-Al-Si System Diffusion Couples
Zhongping He1);Yanlin He1);Yi Gao2);Lin Li1);Shuigen Huang1;3) and Omer Van der Biest3) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200072;China 2) Cold Rolling Plant of Ansteel;Anshan 114021;China 3) Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering;Katholieke Universiteit Leuven;Kasteelpark Arenberg 44;B-3001 Heverlee;Belgium