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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2010 Issue 5
Layered Machinable and Electrically Conductive Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 Ceramics:a Review
X.H.Wang and Y.C.Zhou Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Sol-Gel Based Soft Lithography and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy of Patterned Pb(Zr0.52Ti 0.48)O3 Microstructures
Lining Lan 1);Shuhong Xie 1;3);Li Tan 2) and Jiangyu Li 3)? 1) Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Materials and Application Technology of Ministry of Education;and Faculty of Materials;Optoelectronics and Physics;Xiangtan University;Xiangtan 411105;China 2) Department of Engineering Mechanics;University of Nebraska;Lincoln;68588-0526;USA 3) Department of Mechanical Engineering;University of Washington;Seattle;Washington;98195-2600;USA
HREM Observation of Age-Precipitated Particles in Practical Cu-bearing Ultra-Low Carbon Steels
Guiquan Yin 1;2);Caifu Yang 3) and Yinong Lu 4) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Anhui University of Technology;Ma anshan 243002;China 2) Anhui Key Lab of Metal Material and Processing;Ma anshan 243002;China 3) Institute for Structure Material Research;Central Iron and Steel Research Institute;Beijing 100081;China 4) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Nanjing University of Technology;Nanjing 210009;China
Effect of Bi2O3 Additive on the Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3-Based Ceramics Sintered at Lower Temperature
Shunhua Wu;Xuesong Wei;Xiaoyong Wang;Hongxing Yang and Shunqi Gao Institute of Electronic and Information Engineering;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
Fabrication of Open-cell Al Foam Core Sandwich by Vibration Aided Liquid Phase Bonding Method and Its Mechanical Properties
Hui Wang 1);Donghui Yang 2);Siyuan He 3) and Deping He 1) 1) Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallic Materials;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Southeast University;Nanjing 211189;China 2) College of Mechanics and Materials;Hohai University;Nanjing 210098;China 3) State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics;School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering;Southeast University;Nanjing 210096;China
Three-dimensional Cure Simulation of Stiffened Thermosetting Composite Panels
Guangquan Yue;Boming Zhang;Fuhong Dai and Shanyi Du Center for Composite Materials;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150080;China
Mechanical and Galvano-chemistry Property Variation within Dissimilar Metal Weld between 1Cr18Ni9Ti and 1Cr13 Stainless Steel
Yongtao Zhao;Junhui Dong;Yonglin Ma;Liping Zhao and Xiaobing Pei Material and Metallurgy Engineering School;University of Science and Technology Inner Mongolia;Baotou 014010;China
Biomolecule-assisted Solvothermal Synthesis of Bismuth Sulfide Nanorods
Jiasong Zhong 1);Weidong Xiang 1;2);Lijun Liu 1);Xinyu Yang 1);Wen Cai 2);Jingfeng Zhang 1) and Xiaojuan Liang 1) 1) College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering;Wenzhou University;Wenzhou 325035;China 2) College of Materials Science and Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China
Preparation and Compaction Behaviour of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Coated Iron Microparticles
Daniela Kladeková1);Renáta Orináková1);Annamária Krajníková1);Miriam Kupková2);Margita Kabátová2) and Kveta Markuová1) 1) Institute of Chemistry;Faculty of Science;P.J.afárik University in Koice;Moyzesova 11;SK-041 54 Koice;Slovakia 2) Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Koice;Watsonova 47;SK-043 53 Koice;Slovakia
Direct Electrodeposition of Cu-Ni-W Alloys for the Liners for Shaped Charges
Hanwei He and Shouya Jia State Key Lab of Powder Metallurgy;Central South University;Changsha 410083;China
Sol-gel Preparation and Infrared Radiation Property of Boron-substituted Cordierite Glass-ceramics
Shuming Wang and Fenghua Kuang School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science & Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
Fabrication of Porous Si3N4-Lu2Si2O7 Composite Ceramics
Pengfei Zhang;Litong Zhang and Xiaowei Yin National Key Laboratory of Thermostructure Composite Materials;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi an 710072;China
A New Analytical Model for the Flow Stress of Twin-roll Casting Magnesium Sheet at Elevated Temperatures
Zhimin Liu;Shuming Xing;Peiwei Bao;Nan Li;Shuqing Yao and Milan Zhang School of Mechanical;Electronic and Control Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing 100044;China