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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2010 Issue 10
Dynamic Tensile Property of Zr-based Metallic Glass/Porous W Phase Composite
Yunfei Xue 1);Lu Wang 1);Huanwu Cheng 1);Fuchi Wang 1);Haifeng Zhang 2) and Aiming Wang 2) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China 2) Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Cu Ions Dissolution from Cu-bearing Antibacterial Stainless Steel
Li Nan and Ke Yang Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Changes of Oxygen Content in Molten TiAl Alloys as a Function of Superheat during Vacuum Induction Melting
Bo Chen;Yingche Ma;Ming Gao and Kui Liu Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Deformation Mechanism and Stabilization of Martensite in TiNi Shape Memory Alloy
Shuai Wang 1);Koichi Tsuchiya 2);Lei Wang 1) and Minoru Umemoto 3) 1) Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110819;China 2) Structural Functions Research Group;Innovative Materials Engineering Laboratory;National Institute for Materials Science;Tsukuba 305-0047;Japan 3) Department of Production Systems Engineering;Toyohashi University of Technology;Toyohashi 441-8580;Japan
ZnO:Al Films Prepared by Reactive Mid-frequency Magnetron Sputtering with Rotating Cathode
Ruijiang Hong 1) and Shuhua Xu 2) 1) School of Physics and Engineering;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China 2) School of Science;South China University of Technology;Guangzhou 510641;China
Synthesis of BSCFO Ceramics Membrane Using a Simple Complexing Method and Experimental Study of Sintering Parameters
Ensieh Ganji Babakhani 1;2);Jafar Towfighi 2) and Khodadad Nazari 3) 1) Gas Department;Research Institute of Petroleum Industry;1485733111;Tehran;Iran 2) Chemical Engineering Department;Engineering Faculty;University of Tarbiat Modares;14115-111;Tehran;Iran 3) Chemical and Petrochemical Department;Research Institute of Petroleum Industry;1485733111 Tehran;Iran
Vickers and Knoop Micro-hardness Behavior of Coarse-and Ultrafine-grained Titanium
K.P.Sanosh 1);A.Balakrishnan 2);L.Francis 3) and T.N.Kim 1) 1) Department of Information and Electronic Materials Engineering;College of Engineering;Paichai University;Daejeon;302-735;Republic of Korea 2) Laboratoire SIMAP;GPM2 Grenoble-INP;UJF;CNRS 101 Rue de la Physique;BP46 38402 Saint Martin d’He’ res Cedex;France 3) University of Genova;Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry;via Dodecaneso 31;16146;Genova;Italy
Mechanical Properties of C_f/Mg Composites Fabricated by Pressure Infiltration Method
Meihui Song;Gaohui Wu;Wenshu Yang;Wei Jia;Ziyang Xiu and Guoqin Chen School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Mechanically Assisted Electroless Barrel-plating Ni-P Coatings Deposited on Carbon Steel
Zhaoxia Ping 1);Guoan Cheng 1) and Yedong He 2) 1) Key Laboratory of Beam Technology and Material Modification of Ministry of Education;College of Nuclear Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China 2) Beijing Key Laboratory for Corrosion;Erosion and Surface Technology;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
Effects of Current Frequency on the Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Ceramic Coatings Embedded with SiC Nano-particles Produced by Micro-arc Oxidation on AZ91D Magnesium Alloy
Yue Yang and Hua Wu Key Laboratory of Advanced Structural Materials;Ministry of Education;Changchun University of Technology;Changchun 130012;China
Effect of Welding Technologies on Decreasing Welding Residual Stress of Francis Turbine Runner
Shude Ji 1);Liguo Zhang 1);Xuesong Liu 2) and Jianguo Yang 2) 1) School of Aerospace Engineering;Shenyang Aerospace University;Shenyang 110034;China 2) State Key laboratory of Advanced Welding Production Technology;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Recrystallization of Ni3 Al Base Single Crystal Alloy IC6SX with Different Surface Mechanical Processes
Yanan Li 1;3) and Yafang Han 1;2) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100083;China 2) Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials;Beijing 100095;China 3) Fine Metals Branch;Advanced Technology & Materials Co.;Ltd.;Beijing 100081;China
Effect of Solidification Parameters on the Microstructure and Creep Property of a Single Crystal Ni-base Superalloy
Jian Zhang 1;2);Jinguo Li 1);Tao Jin 1);Xiaofeng Sun 1) and Zhuangqi Hu 1) 1) Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China 2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
A Hydrogen Sensor Using SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3-α as Proton Conductor and YHx+YH2-z as Reference Electrode for Determining Hydrogen Pressure in Solid Steel
Ying Li;Changzhen Wang;Zhongli Zhang and Jiangxin Wang College of Materials and Metallurgy;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110004;China
Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties of g-C3N4 /TiO2 Hybrid Composite
Xifeng Lu 1;2;3);Qilong Wang 1) and Deliang Cui 1) 1) State Key Lab of Crystal Materials;Shandong University;Jinan 250100;China 2) Lunan Institute of Coal Chemical Engineering;Jining 272000;China 3) State Quality Supervisor and Inspection Center of Coal and Coal Chemical Product;Jining 272000;China
yb3+-doped fluorophosphate glass with high cross section and lifetime
Liyan Zhang;Yuxin Leng;Junjie Zhang and Lili Hu Key Laboratory of Materials for High Power Laser;Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China
High Strain Rate Deformation Behavior of Zirconium at Elevated Temperatures
Dawu Xiao 1;2);Yinglei Li 1);Shisheng Hu 2) and Lingcang Cai 1) 1) Laboratory for shock wave and Detonation physics Research;Institute of Fluid Physics;P.O.Box 919-102;Mianyang 621900;China 2) Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230027;China
Influence of Pre-oxidation on the Hot Corrosion of DZ68 Superalloy in the Mixture of Na2SO4-NaCl
Enze Liu;Zhi Zheng;Xiurong Guan;Jian Tong;Likui Ning and Yongsi Yu Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China