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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
1993 Issue 3
surface yielding of metals by x-ray diffraction
Xiuying GAI Jiabao LI Zengqiao KANG State Key Lab.for Fatigue and Fracture of Materials;Institute of Metal Research;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;110015;ChinaJiawen HE Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi’an;710049;China
editor s note
Changxu Shu
nano-structure observed in highly doped silicon crystalline
Zhiheng LU Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;100875;ChinaDachan WANG Yan LUO Institute of Low Energy Nuclear Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;100875;China
nucleation and formation of stable and metastable phases in undercooled ai-li melts
Shenglong DAI Guifu YU Minggao YAN Institute of Aeronautical Materials;Beijing;100095;China
isothermal aging kinetics in cuznal shape memory alloy
Zengqi ZHAO Lab.of Physics;Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earth;Baotou;014010;ChinaFeixia CHEN Dazhi YANG Dept.of Mater.Eng.;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian;116024;ChinaEr BAO Dept.of Mater.Eng.;Yanshan University;Qinhuangdao;066004;China
possible phenomena of stochastic behaviour of shear deformed aluminum
S.V.Alekseev S.G;Psakhie V.E.Panin Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences;Siberian Branch.Tomsk;634055;Russia
sulphidation of fe-nb,co-nb and ni-nb alloys in h2-h2s at 700
F.Gesmundo F.Viani Instituto di Chimica;Facolta di Ingegneria;Universita di Genova;Genova;16129;ItalyY.NIU Corrosion Science Lab.;Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;110015;China
effect of strain rate on the mechanical properties of ti-24al-11nb
Guoliang CHEN Yandong WANG Wangyue YANG Zhuqing SUN Runrong REN Dept.of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Science and Technology;Beijing;100083;ChinaShijie ZHU Suhua AI Lab.of Fatigue and Fracture for Materials;Institute of Metal Research Academia Sinica;Shenyang;110015;China
potential response analysis of exponentially decaying polarizing current of electrode and its use in the study of stress corrosion cracking(scc)of stainless steel
Yanliang HUANG Ming LU Chunan CAO Haichao LIN Ming LU Corrosion Science Laboratory;Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;110015;China
correlation of the mechanical properties of polycrystalline ni3al alloys with their electronic structure
Wen DENG Liangyue XIONG Chiwei LUNG International Centre for Materials Physics;Institute of Metal Research;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;110015;ChinaShuhe WANG Jianting GUO Institute of Metal Research;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;110015;China
action of new rare earth additions in cemented carbide
Chenguang LIN General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals;Beijing;100088;China
information for authors
mechanically-driven amorphization in metallic systems
Yuanda DONG Dept.of Metallurgy and Materials;Shanghai University of Technology;Shanghai;200072;China
a new model for predicting ternary thermodynamic properties of solution phase and its application
Zhiyu QIAO Xianran XING Shuzhen DUAN University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing;100083;ChinaChaogui ZHENG Beijing University;Beijing;100871;China
two-dimensional model of the microstructural evolution in hot-strip rolling processes of c-mn steels by computer simulations
Zhenyu LIU Wei WANG Guodong WANG Qiang ZHANG Northeast University of Technology;Shenyang;110006;ChinaDongqing MA Guoliang WU Jingshan LI Benxi Iron and Steel Company;Benxi;117000;China
synthesis of cdmo from lioh and emd and the performances of li/cdmo rechargeable batteries
Renmin LIU Guoliang WU Jiangshan LUO General Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals;Beijing;100088;ChinaJohn H.Kennedy Zhengming ZHANG Department of Chemistry;University of California;Santa Barbara;USAQin LIN University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing;100083;China
studies of correlations between surface composition changes and ion bombardment fluences of multicomponent materials
Liping ZHENG Xiqing XIA Mingyao LI Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research;Academia Sinca;Shanghai;201800;ChinaRisheng LI Lab.of Atomic Imaging of Solids;Institute of Metal Research;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;110015;China
resistance behaviour of nanocrystal nickel
Jirong SUN Yingzi ZHANG Guanghui RAO Yong LIU Shichao LIU Institute of Physics;Academia Sinica;Beijing;100090;China
characterization and growth morphology of the ultrafine manganese particles
Jian XU Xiukui SUN Wenxiu CHEN Wenduo WEI State Key Laboratory of RSA;Institute of Metal Research;Academia Sinica;Shenyang 110015;China