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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
1989 Issue 6
Microstructure and Coercivity in High Hc Sm(Co, Cu, Fe, Zr)7.4 and Nd-Fe-B Alloys
PAN Shuming;XIAO Yaofu General Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals;CNNC. Beijing;China. University of Science and Technology Beijing;China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Computerized Simulation on the Structure of Cryolite-Alumina Melts
XIE Gang;QIU Zhuxian;XU Chi;CHEN Nainyi Northeast University of Technology;Shenyang;China. Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy;Academia Sinica;Shanghai;China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Effect of Rare-earth Element La on Co-base Superalloy
WANG Shuhe;DAI Tongfu;SHI Changxu
The Mssbauer Effect of Y-Ba-Cu-Fe-O Superconductive Oxide
XIA Sike;MA Ruzhang;CAO Guohui;LI Zhengwen;FENG Yongrong University of Science and Technology;Beijing;China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
A Statistical Model of Quantitative Relationship between Striation Spacings and Fatigue Crack Growth Rates
YANG Jingjun;KE Wei Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Discovery and Research of High Tc Superconductor in the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
CHEN Liquan A special member of CCAST;Post Address: Institute of Physics;Academia Sinica;P.O. Box. 603. Beijing;China.
Creep Deformation and Rupture in Smooth and Notched Specimens in HK40 Steel
ZHU Shijie;ZHAO Jie;WANG Fugang;CAO Zhiben Dalian University of Technology;Liaoning;China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Fracture Analysis of Composites in High-speed Tension
JIANG Chiping;CAO Li;ZOU Zhenzhu;WANG Duo;YAO Zhongkai Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin;China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
metals news
University of Science and Technology Beijing
JIA Shizhen University of Science and Technology Beijing;China.
The Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties of Ga-Sb Binary Liquid Alloys
LI Ruiqing General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals;Beijing;China.
The Study of Dual-phase Steel after Cyclic Deformation at Various Strain Amplitudes
SUN Zhengming;WANG Zhongguang;AI Suhua Institute of Metal Research;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
A Structural Study of High Cr Cast Iron as a Grinding Ball Material
FAN Xinhui;HE Lin;ZHOU Qingde Mechanical Engineering Department Xi’an Jiaotong University.;Xi’an. China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Properties of Fe-20Cr-4Al-Y Alloys
LI Bei;MENG Guang’en;WU Shuangxia;YU Hongxiang;JIN Shisheng;YANG Baomin