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Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
2006 Issue 2
Grain Size Distribution Characteristics of Different Geo-genetic Types of Sandy Desertification and Their Geological Significance in Southeast Mo Us Desert
LI Zhi-pei;YUE Le-ping;XUE Xiang-xu;WANG Min;YANG Li-rong;NIE Hao-gang;CHEN Chao
Mesozoic Sandstone Composition in the Qiangtang Block, Tibet: Implications for Tectonic Setting
ZHANG Yu-xiu;ZHANG Kai-jun;XIA Bang-dong;Xie Yao-wu
Characteristics of Gas Reservoirs with High Content of H2S in the Northeastern Sichuan Basin and the Consumption of Hydrocarbons due to TSR
ZHU Guang-you;ZHANG Shui-chang;LIANG Ying-bo;MA Yong-sheng;ZHOU Guo-yuan;DAI Jin-xing
Geochemical Characters Recognition for Steranes and Hopanes from Oils of Tahe Oilfield
NAN Qing-yun;LIU Wen-hui;Tenger;FAN Ming;WANG Xiao-feng
Comparison of Simulation Results from the Closed and Open Experimental Systems and Its Significance
LU Shuang-fang;WANG Min;WANG Yao-wen;XU Li-heng;XUE Hai-tao;LI Ji-jun
Ordovician Cephalopoda Biofacies and Their Provincialization in the South China
XIAO Chuan-tao;GONG Wen-ping;LUO Shun-she;HE You-bin;LI Yi-bin
The Application of MATLAB in Calculation of Mineral Contents in Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
LIU Fei;CHEN Yue-long;JIANG Li-ting
Characteristics and Genetic Analysis on Algal Limestone Reservoirs, Nanyishan, Western Qaidam Basin
REN Xiao-juan;WEI Jin-xing;KANG You-xin;ZHANG Cun-hou
Analysis on the Lithofacies and Paleogeography of Fengtai Group in the Southeast North China Block
CAO Gao-she;ZHANG Shan-wen;SUI Feng-gui;YANG Xiao-yong;LIU De-liang
The Formation of Carbonate Breccia in Shulu Depression
QIU Long-wei;DU Rui;LIANG Hong-bin;MA Jun
Origin and Evolution of the Hydrodynamics in Sedimentary Basins--A case study of the Songliao Basin
LOU Zhang-hua;CHENG Jun-rui;JIN Ai-min
Diagenetic Facies Analysis and High-Quality Reservoir Prediction in the Southern Xibu Depression of the Bohaiwan Basin
MENG Yuan-lin;GAO Jian-jun;LIU De-lai;NIU Jia-yu;SUN Hong-bin;ZHOU Yue;JU Jun-cheng;WANG Yue-chuan