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Research on Financial and Economic Issues
2009 Issue 2
On the Income Gap in Modern Japanese Society
SHI Jin-fang
The Corporate Culture and the Performance of Listed Companies
LIU Zhi-xiong;ZHANG Qi-zi
The Local Public Health Investment and the Economic Growth
JIANG Ping;TIAN Cheng-shi
The Origin and Prevention of the Risk Faced by Individual Investors
XIAO Xin-hua;LIU Dong-rong
The FDI in China's Financial Services Industry: A Theory and some Empirics
FANG Hui;LI Jian-ping;ZHANG Bei-bei
On the Mechanism of Excess Liquidity in China's Commercial Banks
RAN Guang-he;LIU Shi-xiang
On the Change of Regulatory Policy in China's Electricity Industry
CHEN Fu-liang;XU Tao
By Market:The Way of Property Rights Reform of Resources
YU Zuo;WANG Ya-jie
Why the Customers Switch Enablers?
The Incentive Mechanism of the Central Government and Local Economic Growth
WANG Xiao-song;GAO Le-yong