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The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics
2015 Issue 5
Study on the Implementation of Countercyclical Capital Buffer Tools in Chinese Banks
WANG Zhongsheng;,ZHAO Xuanzhu;
An Aanalysis of User's Investment Behavior Based on the Internet Finance
XING Qiudan;,XIE Jianli;,ZHANG Ning;
Research on Market Structure and Influence Factors of Life Insurance Industry
JIANG Caifang;,YANG Yutao;,CHEN Shou;
Influences of Open Market Operations on Bond Markets
YAN Yanyang;,WANG Peibin;
Information Disclosure,Company Size and Bond Market Development Dilemma
WANG Lin;,DU Yunhan;,LIU Tingting;
Institutional Background,Perks and Company Performance The Evidence from Stock Market
WU Chengsong;,TANG Weizheng;,QIAN Chunli;
Internal Control and Insider Illegal Trading Behaviors
CHEN Zuohua;
Comparative Research on Carbon Trading and Carbon Tax Mechanism
CAO Yu;,WANG Ziyan;
Comparison of the Level of Economic Development of Chinese Cities-From the Environment-Friendly View
ZHANG Honglei;,RUAN Junhu;,WANG Limin;
Research on Synergetic Technological Innovation in Chinese Strategic Emerging Industry Bases
CHEN Yiming;,LIAO Zhi;,HE Zhengchu;
Analyzing Risk Transmission Properties of Supply Chain Disruption from the Perspective of Weak Ties
LIU Chunxia;,SHU Tong;,WANG Shouyang;,CHEN Shou;