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The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics
2008 Issue 5
Constructing the Financial Market from the Eye Shot of Ethnics
LI Cheng-zong
Empirical Research on Intra-industry Trade of Automobile Components Manufacturing
YI Xue-Ling;DENG Zhi-gao
Research on the Mechanism Design of Public Sector Collusion Based on Implicit Incentive Theory
GUO Qi-hong;LI Shuang-yan;WAN De-fang
SOE Shareholding Reform,Product Subsidy and Import Tariff: An Analysis Based on Mixed Oligopoly Theory
XIANG Hong-jin;FENG Jin-nan;FENG Zong-xian
Research 0n the DeVelopment of P0sitiVe Auditing Theory
On the Transition of Fair Value Accounting
WU Ke-fu
Judgment on Fundamental Changes in Chinese Stock Market under Complete Circulation
BA Shu-song;CHU Huai-ying;ZHENG Hong
Analysis on the Industrial Insurance System of China'S Rural Workers
DENG Qiu-liu;LIU Hai-zhen
The Optimization of Credit Rating Index in Commercial Banks of China
ZHANG Ling;YUAN Yi-qing