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The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics
2003 Issue 5
About the Regulation on Unfair Competition of Commercial Insurance
luo zhong min ; yang yu shan
Marketing Strategy Innovation in Tourism in the Post-SARS Period
chen shui bo ; chen zhi hui
A Discussion on the Development of NGO in China
zhan hua xiu
On the Value Formation and the Value Realization of Entrepreneur
chen zhong wei
Study on the Property Problem of Entrepreneur Capital
wang zuo ; pan xue feng
A Study on Governance Structure of Private Enterprise
zuo shao fa ; li huai zu
Experiences on Choosing an Applicable Safety Net for Private Commercial Banks
li zong zuo ; ji yong peng
A Game Analysis of Venture Capital
xie ke fan ; peng hua tao
The Nature and the Governance of the Virtual Corporation Contract
feng tao ; lu zheng wei
On Assurance Services in CPAs Industry
zeng fan rong ; han yu qi
A Comparative Study of Accounting Objective Orientation Among China, America and Germany
yang shun hua ; wo fu gang mi le
Accounting Standards' Formulation Model:Principles-based or Rules-based
lin zhong gao ; wu li juan
A Study of the Performance and the Scale Effects of the Close-end Funds
zuo yan yang ; liu zhen kun ; xi hong hui
The Rational Thinking to Reengineering the Commercial Banks in China
wang xiao fan ; deng xiao zhuo