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Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute
2002 Issue 5
Experimental study on mix proportion of plastic and its appliction
cheng yao ; zhang mei xia
Determination of final settlement by fitting observed curve method
sun chang qing ; rao xi bao ; wang yue xiang
Mechanism of evolution and forecast for Paizhouwan reach
yin rui lan ; che zi gang ; zhang xi bing
Analysis of the calculation method for discharge coefficient of lock's filling and emptying system
jiang yao zu ; wu ying zhuo ; xu qin qin
Information management and establishment model system of safety monitoring for Luowan dam
xie ding song ; xue gui yu ; zeng ling gang ; sun guo cai
Application of COM module object technique in dam safety information management
yu zhi xiong ; xue gui yu ; gao ping
Risk Analysis System of Geo-hazards Supported by GIS
zhu liang feng ; yin kun long ; zhang liang ; li min
Analysis and evaluation on water quality at Jicun Dam foundation
yang bao quan ; yang guang zhong ; peng han xing ; fang xue min
Determination of structure coefficient on hydraulic steel gate
zhou jian fang ; li dian qing
Optimum design and behavior analysis of rectangular flume of Dongshen Water-Supply Project
zhao zuo ; chen chang sheng ; liu xian liang ; bai xin li
Stress analysis for arch dams on complicated rock foundation using trial load method
lin shao zhong ; su hai dong
Design method of reinforcement over voids and discussion
huang jie ; wang zuo ; xiao heng lin
Failure mechanism of high arch dam with joints
du cheng bin
Limit volume method for calculation of 2-D river channel sediment and erosion
zhang jie ; li yong hong