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Soda Industry
2000 Issue 6
Enlarging Space in Which the Conglomerate Can Develop in by Exploring Direction of Capital Running
YAO Zhi-yi;DONG Jian-dong;JU Lan;ZHANG Hong-you
Study on Enzyme Extraction of Curcumin from Curcuma Aomestica Veleton
DONG Hai-li;ZONG Wei
The Determination of Contents of Impurities, I.e. Calcium and Magnesium in Hou' s Process
XIA Ting;ZOU Dan-dan;SHAN Xiao-dong
The Improvement of Shafts on the Lime Sifter
JI Feng;ZOU Yu-jie;TANG Zheng-hong;DU Jing;BIAN Feng-Qin
The H2S Addition Technique in Hou' s Process
ZHANG Fang;WANG Ming-zhi;TANG Qiang;XING Jun
The Reforming of Steam Shaft of the Steam Heating Calcinator
ZHANG Chang-song;CHEN Bing-qian;LIU Shu-jing
A Discussion on the Repairing of Rouingrings on the Steam Heating Calcinator
ZHENG Xiang-lin;WU Zheng-liang
Dehydration of Dense Soda Ash by Extrusion
WU Gang
Improving the Whiteness of Dense Soda Ash by Changing Drying Condition
GUO Zhi-chao;WANG Fu-min;XIN Feng;LIAO Hui
The Calculation of Phase Diagram of Manufacturing Sodium Bicarbonate or Sodium Carbonate By Trona Carbonation
WANG Hong-wang;WU Zhao-jun;LIU Zhong-yi;ZHANG Hong-xiu