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Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica
2015 Issue 12
ce hui xue bao tou gao zhi nan
Periodic Variations of BeiDou Satellite Clock Offsets Derived from Multi-satellite Orbit Determination
ZHOU Peiyuan;DU Lan;LU Yu;FANG Shanchuan;ZHANG Zhongkai;YANG Li;School of Navigation and Aerospace Engineering;Information Engineering University;
Precise Point Positioning with Multi-constellation Satellite Systems:BeiDou、Galileo、GLONASS、GPS
REN Xiaodong;ZHANG Keke;LI Xingxing;ZHANG Xiaohong;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;German Research Centre for Geosciences;
Unscented Kalman Filter Algorithm for WiFi-PDR Integrated Indoor Positioning
CHEN GuoLiang;ZHANG Yanzhe;WANG Yunjia;MENG Xiaolin;School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics;China University of Mining and Technology;Key Laboratory for Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring of SBSM;China University of Mining and Technology;The University of Nottingham;
Dynamic Adaptive Model for Indoor WLAN Localization
WU Dongjin;XIA Linyuan;School of Geography and Planning;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangdong Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation;Sun Yat-sen University;
Complex Coherence Estimation Based on Adaptive Refined Lee Filter
LONG Jiangping;DING Xiaoli;WANG Changcheng;Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics;Central South University;Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics;Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
Establishment and Optimization of Rigorous Geometric Model of Push-broom Camera Using TDI CCD Arranged in an Alternating Pattern
MENG Weican;ZHU Shulong;CAO Wen;ZHU Yongfeng;GAO Xiang;CAO Fanzhi;Information Engineering University;
Real-time Observational Water Level Data Stream Online Filtering Method with Hydrological Changes Semantic Constraints
DING Yulin;ZHU Qing;HE Xiaobo;LIN Hui;DU Zhiqiang;ZHANG Yeting;MIAO Shuangxi;YANG Xiaoxia;State-Province Joint Engineering Laboratory of Spatial Information Technology of High-speed Rail Safety;Southwest Jiaotong University;Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research;Ministry of Education;Jiangxi Normal University;Institute of Space and Earth Information Science;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;College of Earth Sciences;Chengdu University of Technology;
Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Based on Variable Radius Circle and Bspline Fitting
ZHENG Jitao;ZHANG Tao;Department of Computer Science and Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing Aviation Meteorological Institute;
Gaussian Mixture Model with Variable Components for Full Waveform LiDAR Data Decomposition and RJMCMC Algorithm
ZHAO Quanhua;LI Hongying;LI Yu;Institute for Remote Sensing Science and Application;School of Geomatics;Liaoning Technical University;
Network Kernel Density Estimation for the Analysis of Facility POI Hotspots
YU Wenhao;AI Tinghua;LIU Pengcheng;HE Yakun;Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation;Ministry of Land and Resources;School of Resource and Environmental Sciences;Wuhan University;School of Marine Science and Technology;Tianjin University;College of Urban and Environmental Science;Central China Normal University;
Estimation of Large Regional Urban and Rural Population Density Based on the Differences of Population Distribution between Urban and Rural:Take Shandong Province as Example
LU Nan;ZHANG Weiwei;CHEN Lijun;LI Zhilin;CHEN Jun;LI Ran;CHEN Xuehong;ZHANG Yushuo;LIU Jiyu;Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;National Geomatics Center of China;School of Geography;Beijing Normal University;
Underground Pipeline Data Matching Considering Multiple Spatial Similarities
GONG Minxia;YUAN Sai;CHU Zhengwei;ZHANG Shuliang;FANG Caili;Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment for the Ministry of Education;Nanjing Normal University;Information Center of Jiangsu of Land and Resources;Honour School of Nanjing Normal University;Nanjing Institute of Surveying;Mapping and Geotechnical Investigation;Co.Ltd;Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application;
Research on the Theory and Algorithm of Triple-frequency GNSS Precise Positioning
HUANG Lingyong;China Aerospace Surveying and Mapping Satellite Center;State Key Laboratory of Geoinformation Engineering;
Research on the Theory and Key Technologies of BDS in High Kinematic Positioning Accuracy Calibration
CONG Dianwei;Institute of Navigation and Aerospace Engineering;Information Engineering University;
huan ying ding yue ce hui xue bao