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Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping
2008 Issue 12
Application-adaptive Model Evaluation in E-government Spatial Information Service
ZHOU Na;LIU Ji-ping;DONG Chun;WANG Yong
Urban Construction Areas Information Extraction Based on Analysis of Characteristics between Spectra
MENG Yu;ZHAO Zhong-ming;PENG Shu;HUANG Qing-qing
Application of Nadir Constraints in Aerial Triangulation over Urban Areas
ZHANG Yong;DAI Teng;XIAO Wei-wei;LU Xing
On Fitting Satellite Orbit Coordinate Using Chebyshev Polynomial
YANG Xue-feng;CHENG Peng-fei;FANG Ai-ping;QI Wei-jun;FU Shao-hua
Three Methods of Height Control for Sea-crossing Bridge
CHEN Gong-liang;ZHAO Feng
A Simple Method to Eliminate Pseudo Channels Effectively in Hydrologic Analysis Based on DEM
DONG You-fu;TANG Guo-an;LUO Ming-liang
A Study of the Method for the Second National Land Investigation Using the Digital Images from SWDC
LU Xiao-ping;DENG An-jian;LIANG Hong-you;SUN Wei;TIAN Ji-hui;MA Jian
Research and Realization of iPhone-based WebGIS Application System
CHEN Na;WU Xin-cai;ZHANG Fa-yong;LUO Sheng
di mian san wei ji guang sao miao zai shi ku shi ke wen wu bao hu ce hui zhong de ying yong
zhou jun zhao ; zheng shu min ; hu song ; zhou jian bo
Research on Geomorphologic Information Extraction in Coastal Zone Based on Remote Sensing
WAN Jian-hua;LIU Shu-sheng;MA Yi;ZHANG Jie
Development of Multimedia Teaching Website for Survey
SUN Xian-bin;YIN Jie;XIONG Cai-quan;XIAO Ben-lin
The GPS Height Fitting Based on Differential Evolution BP Neural Network
YANG Min;LI Rui-xia;WANG Yun-jia
The Study of Surveying for Ancient Architecture Protection
LIAO Xiao-hui;LI Yan;HU Yun-shi;Ye Guo-hua
Azimuth Geodetic Algorithm in Direction Determination with GPS
ZHANG Cheng-jun;XU Qi-feng;CHANG Zhi-qiao
Current Development Situation of the Precise Leveling Rulers
YANG Jun-zhi;ZHANG Rui
A Method to Acquire Updating Increment on Urban Maps Swiftly
ZHANG Bao-gang;GA Li
Research on the Integration of CAD Data on GIS Platform
SONG Zong-xiao;ZHOU Shun-ping;WAN Bo;WEI Li-ping;LI Gang
jian xun
Application and Realization of Parallel Computation in Aerophotogrammetry
ZHANG Jian-qing;KE Tao;SUN Ming-wei;DUAN Yan-song