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Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping
2007 Issue 9
jian xun
Security of Geospatial Metadata and Spatial Data Based on XML
SUN Zhi-dong;PAN Mao;WU Zi-xing;ZHANG Zhen-wei
GIS Data Exchange(GDE)Theory and Its System Framework
SUN Li-jian;ZHU Yi;LIU Ji-ping;REN Wei
Calibration of Popular Digital Camera Based on 2D DLT Method
TONG Shu-quan;WANG Dong;REN Zhong-cheng;GONG Wei-long
On the GPS/DR Integrated Navigation System for Vehicle
YANG Xiao-yun;HE Heng;SHI Hu-li
Automatically Detect and Repair Cycle Slips Using Alliance of High Difference and TurboEdit
YAN Xin-sheng;WANG Yi-qiang;BAI Zheng-dong;GUO Jing-Jun
Direct Solution of Absolute Orientation Based on Unit Quaternion
Mapping Output of 3D Scene in 3D Urban GIS
MA Zhao-ting;SUN Wei;YIN Yong;LI Cheng-ming
A Study of Integration of Real Estate Surveying and Real Estate GIS
LIU Quan;SHI Wei-wei
Raster Data Management with ArcSDE
SHEN Sheng-li;LI Hua;LIU Ju-hai
A Study of Automated Generalization Framework Designed for Quality Control
Wu Fang;DENG Hong-yan;ZHU Kun-peng;ZHU Qiang
The Method of Azimuth Determination for the Baseline of Precise Directional Antennas Array
XUE Zhi-hong;LI Guang-yun;LU Zhi-hui;CHU hu
Research and Practice in Positioning of the Structure of Clam-shape Building
FAN Zheng-gen;MIN Zhong-rong
Features of Hydrographic Surveying and Charting Vector Data and Their Management Study
LIU Qiu-sheng;JIA Jian-jun;ZHA Jin-xia;FAN Xiao-jun
Research on the Construction of Jiangsu Modern Geodetic Datum
SHI Zhao-liang;SHEN Fei
On the Actuality of Digital Placenames in Beijing
HE Jian-zhong;ZHANG Bao-gang;ZHANG Hai-yan