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Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping
2007 Issue 10
jian xun
Express and Realization of Entity-oriented Spatial Query Language GSQL
YANG Lin;ZHOU Shun-ping;PAN Chan-ling;ZHANG Bao-cai
Dynamic Segmentation and Its Applications in GIS
GAO Xiao-ming;TANG Xin-ming;ZHANG Chun-ling
Optimization Practice of ArcSDE for Oracle
MA Ni;LI Wei-gong
A Logistic Transportation System Based on the Integration of RFID, GPS and GIS Technology
TANG Jian;DAI Ting-yu;YUAN Xi-bao
A Simulation Method for Curve Setting out with the Combination of Excel and AutoCAD
XIAO Dong-sheng;JIE Pei-jian;HUANG Ding-fa;WEI Ye-qun
GPS RTK Technique: Merits, Demerits and Perspective
YU Xiao-long;HU Xue-kui
Car License Plate Recognition Based on MATLAB
LU Xiao-ping;CHEN A-lin
Determination of Lancang River Basin's Residential Distribution Type by Adjacent-point Index Method
LIU Ping;LIU Ji-ping;ZHAO Rong;FENG Liang
A Land and Building Data Integration Scheme Based on GIS
HUANG Hua-nan
Research on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Methods
YANG Guo-peng;YU Xu-chu;LIU Wei;CHEN Wei
LiDAR' Data Processing Based on TerraScan
HUANG Jin-lang
Gain the Elevation Abnormality by the Method of RCR Based on CQG2000
LI Chong;ZHANG Qin;LIU Zhan-ke
Research on Connecting Traverse and the Improvement
ZHANG Zheng-lu;HUANG Qi;PENG Xuan;XU Xue-qing;XU Li
Method to Achieve the Intersection of Two Polygons with Node Operation
DU Shuang;CHEN Cheng-yong