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Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping
2005 Issue 6
On Teaching Reform of GIS Speciality
ZHAO Ji-xian;ZOU Li
The Probe and Practice of Surveying Course Bilingual Education
BAI Hui-ren;XU Xiao-peng;Wang xie-yong
A Review of Issues on Mining Cities after Mine Closure
BAO Yan;HU Zhen-qi;CHEN Gai-ying
Benefits of GIS in Urban Planning
aksoylu s;uygucgil h; cheng chuan
Design of Urban Planning Information Management System Based on Digital City
WANG Jian-tao;WANG Jia-yao
The Application of Laser Pointer in Tunnel Construction
WANG Hua-guang;LIANG Ming-xue
Dynamic Rendering for LoD Virtual Terrain Using Quadtree
KE Xi-lin;ZENG Jun
Establishment of the Survey Control Networks for EAST Tokamak Device Assembly
YANG Sheng-li;MAN Kai-di;CHEN Wen-ge
Arc-length Equation of the Middle Spiral Curve in Highway Surveying: Theory and Effect
ZHANG Kun-yi;ZHANG Rong-hui;YU Zhi-tao
The Problems and Solutions of RTK Surveying
GUO Zhen-hua;SUN Xi-ping
High Accuracy GPS Relative Moving Baseline Software: Design and Implementation
LIU Li-long;LIU Ji-yu;WEI Qi-ning
A Research on Linear Elements Smoothing in the MapInfo System
ZHAO Bo;TAN Jun-zhong
On Spatio-temporal Data Model of Buildings of Topographical Map
ZHANG Bao-gang;YUAN Yan-yan
Study of the Methods of Data Export Based on MapX
WANG Jian-hong;LI Xin