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Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping
2001 Issue 5
ce liang ji qi ren
zhang zheng lu
Settlement Observation of Railway Comprehensive Service Center
yu hua ; bian jun ; gao shu hua
A Mapping System for Cadastral Surveying: Investigation and Practice
zhu xiao wu ; shi gui bo
Format Transfer of DGN Data:Investigation and Test
mao wei hua ; ying he xiang
Communication between Palm PC and GPS OEM with Windows CE
gao zhen song ; guo jing ; li bing zuo ; lu jian gang ; li yan ying
Dynamic Data Exchange Realization between Avenue and VB
hu ming xing ; tang hong
Underwater Topographic Survey with GPS under No-tidal Mode
zhou feng nian ; tian chun
Map Frame GeneratiOn 0f AppOinted RegiOn inRemOte Sensing Thematic Mapping
li shuo ; deng xiao hong
Summary of Shijiazhuang's Aerial Photogrammetry
mao zhi hong ; wang xiao lin
Realization of Integration of Digital Photogrammetry and GIS
li chang hui ; fang feng ; liang zi zhen ; wang hong xin
Network Reconfigulation of Power Distribution Net
shao zhen feng ; cheng qi min
GIS-based SupportingSystem of Policy-making for Guangzhou City's
pei ya bo ; hu ying
Application of GIS Technology to Logistical Management of Enterprise
liu zhi qiang ; xu le
Application Research of Management Model Based on Metadata and Dataset
lai zhi bin ; cheng cheng qi