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Sensor World
2007 Issue 1
The Status Quo and Prospect Of Sensor Function Material
song xiao hui ; ren dao yuan
Principle And Applications Of Microbend Fiber-Optic Sensor
li hong gang ; fan wan de ; sheng qiu qin
The Research on Modeling Method of Transient Surface Temperature Sensor
meng xian wen ; zhou han chang ; hao xiao jian ; guo hua ling
Optimization of Silicon Gel For Air Pressure Transducers Protection Packaging To Minimize the Stress of Membrane
chen si yuan ; luo yu feng ; tan liu xi ; yao zuo ; liu sheng
Research on Soft Sensor Model for the Inner Temperature of Slab
cheng xiu ling ; dan shui wei ; li sheng yu
The Research and Application of ROIC for FPA
li fa ming ; xiong ping
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor And Its Application in Weighting System
ye shun chang ; wang xing guo ; hu shuo zhen ; fang wen ming ; zhang xiao hui
Power Control In Wireless Sensor Networks
zhang da zong ; yang tao ; wei dong mei
An Implementation Of Complex Fire Detection For Smoke And Heat Using 1-Wire Bus
liu shi xing ; zhang yong ming