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Acta Agrestia Sinica
2015 Issue 3
Study of Classification and Gradation,Restoration of Black-Soil Beach Degraded Grassland in the Headwaters of Three Rivers
DONG Quan-min;MA Yu-shou;XU Chang-jun;SHI Jian-jun;WANG Yuan;WANG Yan-long;SHENG Li;LI Shi-xiong;Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences;Basic Geographic Information Center of Qinghai Province;
Isolating and location of Tandem Repetitive Afa-family Sequences from Mongolian Wheatgrass(Agropyron mongolicum Keng)
ZHAO Yan;DOU Quan-wen;YUN Jin-feng;WANG Jun-jie;Ecology and environment college of Inner Mongolia agricultural University;Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources;Ministry of Education;Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Taxonomic Review of Orinus(Poaceae)
LIU Yu-ping;SU Xu;ZHOU Yong-hui;LI Zhao-meng;WANG Zhe-zhi;Key Laboratory of Physical Geography and Environmental Process in Qinghai Province;College of Geography and Life Science;Qinghai Normal University;Key Laboratory of Medicinal Resources and Natural Pharmaceutical Chemistry;Ministry of Education;National Engineering Laboratory for Resource Developing of Endangered Chinese Crude Drugs in Northwest of China;College of Life Sciences;Shaanxi Normal University;State Key Laboratory Breeding Base-Key Laboratory of Qinghai Province for Plateau Crop Germplasm Innovation and Utilization;Qinghai University;
Effects of Grassland Cultivation Measures on Plant Diversity and Productivity in the Alpine Meadow-Steppe
LI Wen;CAO Wen-xia;WEI Wei;SHI Shang-li;YU Ying-wen;Grassland Science College of Gansu Agricultural University;Grassland Ecosystem Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education;Sino-U.S.Research Centers for Sustainable Grassland and Livestock Management;Institute of grassland Science;Tibet Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husandry Sciences;College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;
Effects of Desertification on Soil Nutrients and Root-shoot Ratio in Desert Steppe
TANG Zhuang-sheng;AN Hui;SHANGGUAN Zhou-ping;State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau;Northwest A &.F University;Key Laboratory of Restoration and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in North-western China of Ministry of Education;Ningxia University;
Effects of Astragalus variabilis and Oxytropis glabra on the Soil Properties of Desert Grassland
WANG Qing-hai;PANG Zhuo;LI Cui;WU Ju-ying;DA Neng-tai;WANG De-jun;MA Qing-cheng;Beijing Research & Development Center for Grass and Environment;Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences;Veterinary Workstation of Alashan Zuoqi;Tengri Animal Health Supervision Station;Jilantai Animal Health Supervision Station;
Response of Stem and Leaf Traits of Thermopsis lanceolata to Different Grassland Management Strategies and the Allometric Growth
WU Rui-xin;SHAO Xin-qing;HU Xin-zhen;ZHONG Meng-ying;WEI Xiao-ting;PAN Duo;ZHANG De-gang;College of Pratacultural Science;Gansu Agricultural University;Grassland Science Department;College of Animal Science and Technology;China Agricultural University;
Relationship between Soil Respiration and Plant Belowground Biomass under Different Stocking Rates in Stipa brevi flora Desert Steppe
ZHANG Xin-jie;HAN Guo-dong;DING Hai-jun;ZHANG Rui-yang;WANG Zhong-wu;College of Ecology and Environmental Science;Inner Mongolia Agricultural University;Institute of Grassland;Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences;
Effects of Naphthalene Acetic Acid on the Shooting Growth and Aboveground Biomass of Hemarthria compressa
YAN Yan-hong;LI Jun-lin;CHEN Tian-feng;LUO Yan;ZHANG Xin-quan;Department of Grassland Science;College of Animal Science and Technology;Sichuan Agriculture University;
Effects of PGPR Inoculum without Exogenous Nitrogen on the Growth and Root System Characteristics of Vicia sativa L.
MA Wen-bin;YAO Tuo;RONG Liang-yan;WANG Guo-ji;SUN Guang-zheng;LIU Huan;Pratacultural College;Gansu Agricultural University;Key Laboratory of Grassland Ecosystem;Ministry of Education;Sino-U.S.Centers for Sustainable Development of Grassland and Animal Husbandry;
Effects of CO2 Concentration on Tall Fescue Drought Resistance and Water Use Efficiency
ZHANG Xue-xia;YANG Lu-lu;HUA Kai;Key Laboratory of Soil & Water Conservation and Desertification Combating & Ministry of Education;school of soil and water conservation;Beijing Forestry University;
Effects of Salt Stress on the Ions Uptake and Transport of Leymus secalinus Seedling
DU Li-xia;ZHU Hui-sen;DONG Kuan-hu;FAN Peng-peng;SUN Jian-ping;College of Animal Science and Technology;Shanxi Agricultural University;
Effects of Different Concentrations of Hormones on the Regeneration System of Tall Fescue
GUO Ling-na;LIU Jian-wen;MA Dong-mei;XU Xing;Ningxia University;School of life science;Ningxia University;School of agriculture;
Effects of Cd Stress on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Avena fatua Seedlings
SHI Chong;WANG Chun-li;HUANG Chang-fu;AN Sha-zhou;College of Pratacultural and Environmental Science;Xinjiang Agricultural University;Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology of Xinjiang;
The Mutagenic Effects of 60Co-γ Radiation on White Clover Callus
YANG Li;ZHANG Xue-yun;WANG Yu;YUAN Qing-hua;Institute of Animal Sciences;CAAS;School of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;
Effects of Salt Stress on the Growth and Photosynthetic Physiology Characteristics of Zoysia japonica
ZHANG-Tao;LIU Xin-bao;LI Zhi-hua;JING Shu-xuan;DONG Lai-wei;YU Deng-li;Animal Science and Technology College of Nanjing Agricultural University;
Study on Differential Proteomics of Leymus chinensis Under Saline-alkaline Stress
XIE Li-nan;ZHANG Yang;NIE Yu-zhe;College of Life Science;Northeast Forestry University;
A Study on the Phenotypic Diversity of Cynodon dactylon
ZHENG Yi-qi;ZANG Guo-zhang;LI Yu-tian;XU Ya-nan;FU Yao;CHEN Jing-bo;LIU Jian-xiu;Forestry College of Henan University of Science and Technology;Institute of Botany;Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A Study on Characteristics of Zoysia japonica Mutations Induced by 60Co-γ Irradiation
XIE Xin-chun;CAO Rong-xiang;LI Li-tao;ZHANG Ju-ming;College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture;South China Agricultural University;
Protoplast Isolation from Elephant Grass(Pennisetum purpureum’Huanan’)for Transient Gene Expression
TANG Ran;PENG Xiao-qun;XIE Xin-ming;College of Agriculture;South China Agricultural University;
Cloning and Transformation of MsMYB2 Gene from Medicago sativa L.
FENG Zi-rong;SUN Yan;CHAO Yue-hui;YUAN Zhu;LU Ji-xiao;Grassland Research Institute of China Agricultural University;The College of Forestry;Beijing Forestry University;
Effect of Different Concentrate to Forage Ratios of Caragana korshinskii Silage on Lamb Performance,Digestion,and Metabolism
XU Zhi-Jun;HU Yan;DONG Kuan-Hu;Department of Pratacuhural Science;College of Agronomy;Shanxi University;
Effects of Adding Propionic Acid on Fermentation Quality and Aerobic Stability of Mixed Silage of Hullessbarley Straw and Perennial Ryegrass in Tibet
XIN Peng-cheng;YUAN Xian-jun;GUO Gang;WEN Ai-you;Xiao Shen-hua;CAN Mu-you;CHEN Yu-xiang;SHAO Tao;Institute of Ensiling and Processing of Grass;College of Animal Science and Technology;Nanjing Agricultural University;Tianshui City Maiji District bureau of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine;College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine;Shanxi Agricultural University;Tibet agriculture and animal husbandry academy of sciences institute of animal husbandry and veterinary science;
The Effects of Wilting and Additives on the Fermentation Quality and Nutritive Value of Oakleaf Goosefoot(Chenopodium glaucum L.) Silage
ZOU Xin-ping;ZHANG Lin;TAO Geng;XU Qing-fang;GAO Wen-jun;WANG Yong-xin;TONG Li-rong;YU Zhu;College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine;Shanxi Agricultural University;College of Animal Science and Technology;China Agricultural University;
Characterization and Identification of High Quality Lactic Acid Bacteria from Hulless Barley Straw Silage
CUI Zhao-ming;GUO Gang;YUAN Xian-jun;LI Jun-feng;YANG Xiao-dan;DING Liang;YU Cheng-qun;SHAO TAO;Institute of Ensiling and Processing of Grass;Nanjing Agricultural University;College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine;Shanxi Agricultural University;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Screening of Fungicides for Control of Ustilago avenae and Effects of Fungicides on the Seedling Growth of Oat
ZHANG Yu-xia;WANG Guo-ji;YAO Tuo;MA Wen-bin;Pratacultural College;Gansu Agricultural University;Key laboratory of Grassland Ecosystem;ministry of Education;
Effects of Inoculating Root Rot Fusarium on Alfalfa Seedlings
GUO Yu-xia;GUAN Yong-zhuo;ZHANG Jin-feng;LI De-feng;YAN Xue-bing;WANG Cheng-zhang;ZHANG-Meng;College of Animal and Veterinary Science;Henan Agricultural University;College of plant protection;Henan Agricultural University;
Evaluating the Effects of Foliar Fertilizers on the Production Performance of Regrowing Longmu 801 by Grey Correlative Analysis
ZHANG Han;ZHANG Feng-cheng;ZHANG Cheng-yu;LI Bing;CUI Guo-wen;Animal Science and Technology College of Northeast Agricultural University;Sericultural Research Institute of Heilongjiang Province;
Effects of Astragalus membranaceus on the Growth Performance and Carcass Parameters of Finishing Lambs
ZHANG Chun-xiang;ZHANG Bo;ZHANG Wei;REN You-she;JIN Li;YANG Pei-wen;LIU Gen-tang;DONG Kuan-hu;College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine;Shanxi Agricultural University;Animal Husbandry and veterinary Bureau of Yingxian;
Construction for the Ethogram of Brandt’s Voles(Lasiopodomys brandtii)
WANG Tao-tao;BAIMA Ci-ren;HAI Shu-zhen;WANG Deng;College of Agronomy and Biotechnology;China Agricultural University;
Effects of Shading on the Leave Anatomical Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of White Clover
YANG Wen-quan;CHU Ji-peng;KOU Jian-cun;ZHAO Jiao;HAN Ming-yu;College of Life Sciences;Northwest A&F University;College of Animal Science and Technology;Northwest A&F University;College of Horticulture;Northwest A&F University;
Effect of Brassinolide(BR) on the Antioxidant System of Amorpha fruticosa Seedlings under Petroleum Pollution
HAN Yuan-yuan;HAN Gang;LI Kai-rong;Institute of Soil and Water Conservation;Northwest A&F University;College of Forestry;Northwest A&F University;College of Resource and Environment;Northwest A&F University;
Interactions among Different Enzymes of Five Fungal Strains from Alpine Meadow Soil
LU Guang-xin;WEN Xiao-cheng;WANG Jun-bang;WU Chu;CHEN Xiu-rong;Agriculture and Animal husbandry College;Qinghai University;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research;CAS;College of Horticulture and Gardening;Yangtze University;Pratacultural College;Gansu Agricultural University;
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