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Journal of Chengdu Sport University
2011 Issue 10
Study on Process Model of Sports Modernization
YU Dao-ming
Integrated Mode of Logistics for School Sports Equipment and Facilities
zheng song ping ; li guo qi ; liu si zuo
Technical Features and Development Trend of 2011 Sanda Championships
ZHANG Guang-ming;GUO Qiong
Choices of Equal Access to Public Sports Service under the Background Good Governance
pu yi jun ; song hui juan ; zuo chong zuo
Revelation of Entrepreneurship on the Reform of Sports Public Services in China
GAI Wang-fang;FAN Dong-yun
Enlightenments of the 19th World Cup on the Development of Modern Football
qin yong ; lin chuang ; li xiao gang
Present Situation and Development Strategies of Competitive Sports for Disabled People in Sichuan Province
liu jian he ; wang chun ; meng xiao xing ; liu hu jian ; pu hong chun