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Journal of Chengdu University(Educational Sciences Edition)
2008 Issue 8
An Improving Proof of Brownian Motion Predictable Representation Property
CHEN Yi-hui;Han Xi-fa
Innovation of Java Experimental Course、with Project Mode
ZHU Xiao-ying
A Probe into Practicing Mode Inside School on Video-Aural-Oral Course
XIANG Xiao;ZHANG Chun-hui
Structurism-Cognition and Thinking of Bruner's Educational Thought
WANG Cai-feng;WANG Huo-ying;WANG Sheng-liang
The Research on the Problems and Strategy of EIU Practice
YANG Xiao-ling
On the Tutorial System of Undergraduates
HU Yong-hui
A Brief Analysis of Mei Yaoehen's Poem
zheng gao gui ze
Measures to Managing the Students Effectively in First Year
GUO Hui-fang;RU Xiao-rong;GUO Xue-yuan
Contemporary College Students to the Employment and Countermeasures
LI Xia;CHU Zhao-wei