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Journal of Changchun Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences)
2006 Issue 2
The Proper Use of the Japanese Honorific-Its Effects on the Interpersonal Relationship
LI Zhong-shan;SUN Li-hua;ZHANG Yan
Considering the Quality Evaluation of College Teaching
LIU Li-mei
On Schema Theory and Teaching College English Reading
KONG Fan-xia
Classroom Discussions in Big Classes for English Majors
Analysis on the Tragic Female Character in Anna Carolinian
The Study of Some Easily Confused Words in Modern Chinese
ZHAO Lu-ping
On Comedy Nature of "A Q main story"
XIANG Ming;WU Jing-ming
The Formative Reason of the Grief Sentimental of JiangYan's Production
WANG Da-heng;WANG Xiao-ming
On Maimed Images in "Dechong Fu" by Zhuang Zi
LI Xiang-zhu
Origin and Flow:on the Deeper Meaning of Marxism Chinese- Characterization
LI Jian-yong;LIU Qing-sen
What Should We Depend on to Construct a Harmonious Society?
HOU Yi-cheng
Enhance to Assign with Perfectly for the Third Time
WANG Jun-qiu
Study on Police Order
Pei Dong-bo
On the Curing of Illegal Administrafive Behaviors
On the Dilemma of Chinese Law Education
GAO De-sheng
An New Perspective on Teacher's Moralization of Confucianism
ZHAO Wan-xiang;XIAO Dan
How to Avoid and Minimize Collocational Errors in Lexical Studying
XIE Gui-ling;YANG Chun-li
On Teaching English Synonyms
On Flood in the Northern Dynasties
LI Hui
Conrad's Narrative Technique
LIU Xu-cai
Cataphoric Reference:Theory and Translation
DING Su-ping;YAN Kai
Some Reflections on Phonetic Metaphors
WEI Wan-de;YI Hui