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Publishing & Printing
2006 Issue 2
Law Assays to Publishing Agency Mechanism
Li Kang
An Easy Method to Implement PDF/X File Transformation
Yao Hai-gen
Unbalance Analysis of Functions in Publication Layout Design
Zhang Hong-yu
Ability Cultivation of Proofreading
Li li;Liu Yan-hua
Discussions about Publishing Marketing and Sales
Wu Xu-jun
Analysis on Construction and Resource Features of ISBN
Shi Yong-qin
fu shi shi le cai se shu ma wen jian jie jue fang an zhan zai hu la kai zuo mu
fu shi shi le ( zhong guo ) you xian gong si
bo shi li shi le tui chu " wu zhou chuan dong " ji shu
bo shi li shi le gong si
shu xie wen zi yu yin shua wen zi
xue feng
Quality Control in Prepress And Books & Periodicals Printing
Zhang Bao-min
Comparisons of Four Color Conversion Methods in CMS
Tian Quan-hui
Exploring of Printing Process Design
Yu Yong