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Ship & Boat
2014 Issue 2
fpso jie gou she ji ji shu de jin zhan
wang zuo ;
Research on method of wave spectrum inversion of PASCAT
XU Deng-hui;,ZOU Jing;
Control points of inclining experiment for large vessels
BAN Ye-ping;
Investigation on dynamic stiffness of ifber cables
CHEN Yang-bo;,HONG Wen-yuan;,WANG Qiang;,ZHANG Huo-ming;
Application reseach of rigid vibration-isolation structures in ship bulkhead
CHEN Lin;,LI Shou-juan;,LI Zhuo;,XIE Xiao-zhong;,XU Wei;
Research of structural modular design for self-installed drilling rig
CHEN Shi;,CHEN Tian-hui;,DENG Xin;,LI Qing-ming;
Research on design of rings at saddle inside of independent tank C in small LNG carrier
Lü Li-wei;,XIN Di;,ZHENG Wen-qing;
Discussion on welding deformation of ship sheet
CHEN Peng-yu;,SHU Xing-lou;
Determination and veriifcation of major parameters of lfow channel for water-jet mixed-lfow pumps
CAI You-lin;,LIU Jian-guo;,XIA Li-ming;
On design of air condition system for scientiifc investigation vessel
WANG Hai-yan;,ZHU Hua;
Inlfuence of entrance velocity conditions on propeller-rudder system
LI Yu-sheng;,WANG Hui;
On cable of 400 Hz power system for Naval ships
LI Yong-jiang;
On key technology and process of optical ifber gyro
HUANG Xing;,JI Yu-guan;
Application of structural integrity management in evaluation of extended service for offshore platforms
LI Yan-li;,MU Qing;,WANG Ning;,ZHANG Xiao-pin;
Comparison analysis between CSR-OT and CSR-H for corrugated bulkhead of large product tankers
CAI Shi-jian;,LIU Yi-qian;,QIU Wei-qiang;
Introduction to EU ship-breaking new rules
QI Bin;
xin yi dai kuan ti xing wan xiang ji ji zhuang xiang chuan
qi ba yan jiu suo min chuan bu ;