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Ship & Boat
2007 Issue 3
di 5 pian an quan ying yun di 1 zhang hang xing she bei
ye bang quan
Realization of "Christmas Tree" control system
Ke Jun;Xiang Yang
Study method for air cleaning system of operating room on hospital ship
Zhao Nan;Shen Jinming
Design features of monitor and alarm system in CNOOC bottom-supported platform
Wei Sichao;Zhang Zhiwang
Cable selection for degaussing system in large warship
Fei Xingnan;Li Guobin;Hu Chao
Development of small waterplane area twin hull and its application prospect in navy
Lin Weiguo;Zhu Yunxiang;Fan Jingfeng;Luo Bokun
Structure of life module of oil field CEPA central platform in BoZhong 34-1 oil field
Xu Tiantian;Dong Kun;Wang Ning
On the distorted grillage with opening strengthening
Chen Shumei;Cai Huilie
Science and technology literature research
Shen Yonghong
Development of deep-sea semi-submersible drilling unit
Liu Haixia