A Case Study of Zhejiang Forestry Property Rights Mortgage Loan
huang jianxing1 mao xiaorong2 li yang3(1 leading group for collective forest tenure reform; state forestry administration; beijing 100714; 2 lishui forestry bureau of zhejiang province; lishui 323000; 3 china national forestry economics and development research center; beijing 100714)
A Case Study of Forestry Insurance in Fujian
leng huiqing1; 2 ma qingyun1 chen xuequn3 zhang sheng3(1 school of economics and management of tsinghua university; beijing 100084; 2 the people s insurance company grouof china; beijing 100084; 3 china national forestry economics and development research center; beijing 100714)
On How to Promote Policy Forestry Insurance
wang jun1 zhang lei2 leng huiqing1; 3(1 school of economics and management of tsinghua university; beijing 100084; 2 china national forestry economics and development research center; beijing 100714; 3 the people s insurance company of china; beijing 100084)