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Forestry Economics
2008 Issue 8
Investigation Report on Natural Forest Protection Program in Qinghai Province
natural forest protection project social benefit monitoring group (state forestry administration; beijing 100714)
Improving Ecological Environment to Secure Water Resources Quality in Channeling Water from the South Part to the North Part of China ——A Case Study of Ningshan Area
yang tian1; 2 nie hua1 luo rongjun2 (1college of economics and management; beijing forestry university; beijing 100083; 2 shanxi provincial forestry office; xian 710082; 3 forestry bureau of ningshan county; ankang 711600)
Thoughts on Establishment of Desertification Ecological Compensation Mechanism
pan hongxing ( desertification combating office; sfa; beijing 100714)
From "a Comprehensive Felling Ban"to "Category Management"Reform and a Number of Policy Issues ——Research Reports on Natural Forest Protection Project Area in Chongqing
zhang zhida liu yongmin zhang ping (centre for natural forests protection project; sfa; beijing 100714)
Comprehensive Evaluation on Dynamic Development of Reginal Economy ——A Case Study of Xinjiang
si guangnan (faculty of economy and trade; xinjiang university; urumqi 830002 )
Ecological Construction Industrialization and Eco- industrial Development ——Yunnan Modern Forestry Research Report
li shidong gao shangren (office of state forestry administration; beijing 100714)
Analysis on the Influence of Forest Resource on International Competitiveness of WBP Industry in China
yu jianhui dai yongwu liu yanna (economics and management college of fujian agriculture and forestry university; fuzhou 350002)
The Practice and Obstacles about the Futures Trade Mechanism on the Forestry Industry
yu xiaoping1 yao ping1 nie ying1; 2 (1college of economics and management nanjing forestry university; nanjing 210037; 2 research center of forestry products trade; sfa; nanjing 210037)
Research on the Regional Innovation Resources Allocation Patterns
qu ran zhang shaojie (school of management; jilin university; changchu 130022)
2007 National Forestry Economic Performance
tang xiaowen liu jianjie yu baichuan (department of planning; development and finance; sfa; beijing 100714)
Research on the Evolution of the Forest’s Attributes and Matching Policy
gao junkai (department of afforestation of sfa; beijing 100714)
Chances and Challenges of Foreign exchange of Chinese Forest NGO
guan xiuling1 wang zhongcheng2 zhao xuan3 (1 chinese society of forestry; beijing 100091; 2 china secience technology exchange center; beijing 100045; 3 china national forestry eonomics and development reseach center; sfa; beijing 100714)
Initiation and Progress of Green Government Procurement Policies for Forestry Products in Developed Countries
li xiaoyong hou fangmiao wen yali chen xiaoqian (school of economics and management of beijing forestry university; beijing 100083)
Analysis of China’s Wood Products Expand International Market Strategy
zhang li (ministry of commerce of the people republic of china; beijing 100710)
Problem and Solution on Chinese Commercial Forestry Development
wang zhouxu (world bank loan project management center; sfa; beijing 100714)
Ecological and Economic Progress in Theory and Practice
li zhou (rural development institute of chinese academy of social sciences; beijing 100732)
On the Employment Problems of Agriculture Surplus Labor in Developing Countries
song chaozhi cheng baodong song weiming (beijing forestry university; beijing 100083)
Natural Forest Protection Project Follow- up Construction Reform ——Taken Shanxi Province as an Example
wang huigong (shanxi national forest authority; taiyuan 030012)
Improve the Ecological Benefits of Forest Compensation Fund System in China
liu keyong (school of business; remin university of china; beijing 100872)