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Forestry Economics
1998 Issue 4
shi xing dai kuan guo jia zao lin xiang mu gong cheng guan li mo shi chu tan
Jiang Xishan World Bank Loan Projects Management Center;State Forestry Administration
21 shi ji ren kou yu zi yuan huan jing de ke chi xu fa zhan
Zhou Yi China Sustainable Development Center;Peking University
shi lun guo you sen gong qi ye de zhan lue xing diao zheng
Zhang Lei China National Forestry Economics and Development Research Center
fa zhan ren zao ban si ying qi ye qun pei yu he bei lin ye jing ji xin de zeng chang dian dui xing tai shi ren zao ban si ying qi ye qun de diao cha yu si kao ( xia )
Guo Shuhau An Shuping Zhao Yincheng Feng Kuisheng College of Forestry;Hebei Agriculture University
lin ye qi ye shi xing gu fen zhi gai zao de yi yi
Liu Jun Forestry Products Industry Planning and Design Institute;State Forestry Administration
da xing an ling lin qu sen gong qi ye tuo qian zhi gong gong zi wen ti cheng yin ji dui ce
Dai Wanchun Zheng Xuehui Daxinganling Forestry Burean of Heilongjiang Province
huang tu gao yuan shi xian ke chi xu fa zhan zhi lu zuo shui he liu yu fang hu lin ti xi jian she zong he xiao ying diao cha
Investigation Group “Three North”Protection Forest Construction Bureau;State Forestry Addminisfration China National Forestry Economics and Development Research Center
xian dai gao xiao chi xu lin ye zhong guo lin ye fa zhan dao lu de jue ze
Shen Guofang Beijing Forestry University;Professor;Engineering Academician
guo wai she qu lin ye fa zhan xin dong tai
Liu Can China National Forestry Economics and Development Reearch Center
lin ye zeng jia zhi ji suan fang fa yan jiu
Kong Fanwen Dai Guangcui He Naihui China National Forestry Economics and Development Research Center