How to Control Soil Disturbance by Cement Mixing Method
ye guan-bao1; 2; wan yan1; 2(1. key laboratory of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 2.department of geotechnical engineering; school of civil engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
Research on the Method of Water-clay Composite Blasting for Tunnel
cui zhen-dong1; tang yi-qun1; 2; yan chun-ling3; guo chang-qing3; zhou nian-qing1; 2; wang jian-xiu1; 2(1.department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 2.key laboratory of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 3.school of architecture; resources and environment engineering; nanhua university; hengyang 421001; china)
A Game Analysis of the Bid Compensation Strategy for Projects
song hong-ying1; 2; xu wei2; li zhi3(1.college of architecture and engineering; shenyang university of technology; shenyang 110023; p.r.china; 2.college of civil engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china; 3.china construction sixth engineering bureau shanghai company; shanghai 200063; p.r.china)
Study on Selection of Section-steel and Grid-steel in Primary Support System of Tunnel
qu hai-feng1; zhu he-hua1; 2; huang cheng-zao3; yan zong-xue3; cai yong-chang1; 2; ding wen-qi1; 2(1.department of geotechnical engineering of tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china; 2.key laboratory of geotechnical engineering of tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china; 3.guangzhou zhujiang huangpu bridge construction co.ltd.; guangzhou 510735; p.r.; china)