Underground Space Informatization of Civil Engineering
zhang fang~2; zhu he-hua~(1; 2); wu jiang-bin~3(1.key laboratory of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 2.department of geotechnical engineering; school of civil engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 3.east china design & research institute; shanghai 200000; china)
Study on Life Cycle Risk Management of Metro
chen gui-xiang~1; huang hong-wei~2; you jian-xin~1(1 school of economics and management; tongji university; shanghai; 200092; china; 2 department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai; 200092; china)
Risk Analysis of Trenchless Construction on Cost Probability Assessment Method
xie xiong-yao~(1; 2); du jun~(1; 2); huang hong-wei~(1; 2); zhang guang-xin~3(1.department of geotechnical engineeering; tongji unviersity; shanghai 200092; 2.key laboratory of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; 3.department of civil engineering; zhejiang university; zhejiang 310027)