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Geography and Territorial Research
2006 Issue 3
Research on Distributed and Cooperating GIS
fang yu~1; wu lun~1; xie kun-qing~2; pan mao~1; jing gui-fei~3; chen bin~1; liu yu~1(1.school of earth and space sciences; peking university; beijing 100871; 2.school of electronic engineering and computer science; peking university; beijing 100871; 3.national remote sensing center of china; beijing 100862; china)
Study on Evaluation System for Regional Tourism Industrialization
dong guan-zhi; yang feng-ying(tourism college of jinan university; shenzhen 518053; china)
Analysis on Regional Space Affect of Shanghai Yangshan Deep-Water Port
zhang yao-guang; cui yu-ge; yin yan; wang dan(research center of sustainable development of marine economy; liaoning normal university; dalian 116029; china)
Progress of Spatial Research on Urban-Rural Relation in China and It's Discussion in Geography View
ma yuan-jun~(1; 2); zhang xiao-lin~1; li feng-quan~2; wang tian-yang~2(1.college of geographical sciences; nanjing normal university; nanjing 210097; 2.college of tourism and resources management; zhejiang normal university; jinhua 321004; china)
Application of MODIS in Wetland Distribution Research:A Case Study of Sanjiang Plain
ma long~(1; 2); liu chuang~1(1.institute of geographical sciences and natural resources research; cas; beijing 100101; 2.graduate school of chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100039; china)
A Research on Industrial Causes for Imbalanced Regional Development of Economy
zheng feng~1; bao hong-an~2; huang sheng~3(1.school of government management; peking university; beijing 100871; 2.beijing liaison agency; people s government of haikou city; beijing 100010; 3.college of economy; hainan university; haikou 570228; china)
Study on Soil Quality Change in the Yangtze River Delta
wu xin-min~(1; 2); pan gen-xing~1; li lian-qing~1(1.institute of resources; ecosystem & environment of agriculture; nanjing agricultural university; nanjing 210095; 2.chizhou teachers college; chizhou 247100; china)
Discussion on the Development and the Layout of the Cities in the Bohai Rim
jiang li-li; han zeng-lin; liu geng-yan(city & environment college; liaoning normal university; dalian 116029; china)
Research on Classification for City's Vegetation Type Based on KPCA and SAM
zhang you-jing~1; huang hao~2; ma xue-mei~2(1.state key laboratory of hydrology-water resources and hydraulic engineering; hohai university; nanjing 210098; 2.institute of rs & gis; hohai university; nanjing 210098; china)
Evolution of Alluvial Fans at Range-Front of Tian Mountains in Manas River Valley Based on Remote Sensing Technology
cui wei-guo~(1; 2); mu gui-jin~2; xia bin~1; ma ni-na~3(1.guangzhou institute of geochemistry of chinese academy of sciences; guangzhou 510640; 2.xinjiang institute of ecology and geography of chinese academy of sciences; urumchi 830011; 3.institute of geology and geophysics of chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100029; china)
On Spatio-Temporal Data Access Methods in ORDBMS
lin xing; gao yong; zhang yi; yu bo; qin shi; wu lun(institute of rs and gis; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
Spatial-Temporal Data Modeling Based on ORDBMS
gao yong~1; lin xing~1; liu yu~1; wu lun~1; chen bin~1; ma xiujun~2(1.institute of rs and gis; peking university; beijing 100871; 2.national lab on machine perception; department of intelligence science; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
An Approach to Geographic SQL Global Parsing under Distributed Computation Circumstance
huang zhou; peng xia; zhang ke; chen bin; ma xiu-jun; fang yu(institute of rs and gis; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
An Overview on Super Resolution Image Restoration
yuan xiao-hua~(1; 2); ouyang xiao-li~2; xia de-shen~2(1.agricultural information engineering and technology center; shanghai academy of agricultural sciences; shanghai 201106; 2.computer department; nanjing university of science and technology; nanjing 210094; china)
Scenarios Analysis on the Landscape Change in Qingyang Prefecture Based on System Dynamic Model
zhan jin-yan~1; deng xiang-zheng~2; zhao tao~3(1.institute of geographical sciences and natural resources research; cas; beijing 100101; 2.center for chinese agricultural policy; cas; beijing 100101; 3.bureau of science and technology for resources and environment; cas; beijing 100864; china)
Analysis on Ecological Environment Protection and Its Effectiveness of E'jina Oasis in Heihe River Basin
pan shi-bing; lu jing-xuan; zhang jian-li; sun tao(centre of remote sensing application; institute of water resources and hydropower research of china; beijing 100044; china)
Study on Retrieval Model of Yangtze River Estuary Water Depth Extraction from Remote Sensing
xu sheng; zhang ying (college of geographical sciences; nanjing normal university; nanjing 210097; china)
The Dynamic Evolution of Balanced or Unbalanced Regional Economic Development
luo hao(department of urban and resources sciences; nanjing university; nanjing 210093; china)
Analysis and Implement of Spatial Weight Matrix Based on Discrete Points
liu zhong-gang~1; li man-chun~1; liu jian-feng~2; sun yan~3 (1.department of urban and resources sciences; nanjing university; nanjing 210093; 2.hebei institute of geographical sciences; shijiazhuang 050011; 3.national research center for resettlement; hohai university; nanjing 210098; china)
The Center Distributed Model of Towns' Rank-Size Resorted Fractal Theory on the Basis of Central Place Theory and Its Application
liu hong-guang; liu ke-wei(department of urban and resources sciences; northwest university; xi an 710069; china)
Grey Prediction of Trend for Chinese Drought-Flood Extent in Flood Season during 2010-2020
luo long-cheng; feng xin-ling; dong ting-xu(department of resources & environment sciences; mianyang normal university; mianyang 621000; key lab of resources and environment information technology; mianyang normal university; mianyang 621000; china)
On the Spatial Relations of Matching and Optimizing between Cities and Scenic Spots in the Regional Tourism
li yue-jun(school of economy and trade management; taizhou college; linhai 317000; china)
A Research on Global Spatial Data Directory in Peer-toPeer Networks
ma xiu-jun~1; liu chen~1; xie kun-qing~1; li chen-yu~1; lei xiao-feng~1; gao yong~2; chen bin~2(1.national lab on machine perception; department of intelligence science; peking university; beijing 100871; 2.institute of rs and gis; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
Problem Oriented Representation and Implementation of Spatial Application
chen bin; huang feng-ru; huang zhou; peng xia; gao yong; fang yu(institute of rs and gis; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
Future Earth Observation Cooperation and Disaster Reduction
wu li-xin~(1; 2); li de-ren~3(1.center for rs/gps/gis and digital mine research; northeastern university; shenyang 110004; 2.institute of rs/gps/gis and subsidence engineering; china uni.min.tech.; beijing 100083; 3.liesmars; wuhan university; wuhan 430079; china)