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Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
1999 Issue 1
Cloning and Sequencing of Genes Encoding Phospholipase A 2 from Agkistrodon acutus
LIU Xiao Long; PAN Hua; YANG Guan Zhen; WU Xiang Fu and ZHOU Yuan Cong *
Modeling and Analysis of Structures of Phospholipase A 2's from Venom of Agkistrodon haly Pallas
LIANG Wei Ping; ZHOU Yuan Cong; WU Xiang Fu and DING Da Fu *
Electron Leak Causes Proton Leak in Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria in Exercise induced Fatigue
SHI Qing De; ZHANG Yong *; CHEN Jia Qi and LIU Shu Sen ** ( Tianjin Research Institute of Sports Medicine; Tianjin 300381; China; ** State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane & Membrane Biotechnology; Institute of Zoology; the Chine
Differential and Tissue specific Expression of Mitochondrial Elongation Factor Tu and Ts during Development
CHEN Li; XU Qing; LIU Xu Lei; ZHAO Jing and MA Lan
Progress in Targeted Gene Integration
LI Zhu Hong; LIU De Pei * and LIANG Chih Chuan
Purification and Characterization of A Phospholipase A 2 from Agkistrodon blomhoffii Ussurensis of Changbai Mountains
SUN Ming Zhong; DING Lan; ZHAO Da Qing * and NI Jia Zan
Functional Analysis of the Upstream Sequence of PHO 81 Gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
XIA Zan Xian and AO Shi Zhou *
ping zheng ji bian zhu de shuai lao yu kang shuai lao ( di er ban )
li wen jie ';'10354143;';'au';'cjfq');
Peptide Mapping and Primary Structure Analysis of hEGF by Mass Spectrometry
ZENG Rong; SHAO Xiao Xia and XIA Qi Chang *
Transformation of Neomycin Resistance Gene ( neo R) into Silkworm ( Bombyx mori.L. )
CHEN Xiu; ZHAO Yun 1; ZHANG Feng 1; PENG Wei Ping; FENG Xiao Li 1; HUANG Jun Ting and LU Chang De 1* ( 1Shanghai Institute
Sequence Analysis of the Trailer Region of Wheat Rosette Stunt Virus Genomic RNA
YE Yong Jun and GONG Zu Xun *
p38 MAPK Signal is Necessary for TNF α Gene Expression in RAW Cells
JIANG Yong * ; LIU Ai Hua; HUANG Qiao Bing and ZHAO Ke Seng
In Situ Hybridization of RA Induced P19 Cells
BIAN Wei; YANG Jing; DING Xiao Yan # and JING Nai He * ( Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai 200031; China; # Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai 2
p38 mapk can yu lps you dao raw xi bao tnf- ji yin biao da de diao kong
jiang yong ; liu ai hua ; huang qiao bing ; zhao ke sen ';'20130698;05964355;05970529;20617010;';'au';'cjfq');
Expression in BHK Cells of Two Human TNF Receptors and Their Interaction with hTNF α
FANG Jia; WANG De Bao 1 and CHEN Chang Qing * ( Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai 200233; China; 1Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai 200031; Ch
CYP 6B2 Expression in Insecticide Resistant and Suspcitible Strains of Helicoverpa armigera
WU Jun; ZHUANG Pei Jun and TANG Zheng Hua * PAN Hua and WU Xiang Fu ( Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shang
Fusion Expression, Immunogenicity and Applications of C terminally Truncated HCV Core Proteins
YANG Li; ZHU Li Xin; WANG Yuan and LI Guang Di *
Cloning and Expression of cDNA for Thrombin like Enzyme from Agkistrodon halys Pallas Snake Venom
PAN Hua; ZHOU Yuan Cong; YANG Guan Zhen and WU Xiang Fu *
Efficient Secretion of Proteins Expressed from Insect Cells Directed by PAM Signal Peptide
JIANG Zhi Hong; YANG Yu Hong; WU Xiang Fu; LI Bo Liang* and WANG De Bao
Cloning, Sequencing and Expression of Human Copper, Zinc superoxide Dismutase cDNA
SHI Hui Juan; FAN Li Qiang; WEI Dong Zhi and YUAN Qin Sheng * SUN Jian Xing
Reverse Oxygen Effect on γ Irradiation Induced Single Strand Breaks of Plasmid DNA
SHAO Chun Lin 1 * ; SAITO Masahiro 2 and YU Zeng Liang 1
Sugar Ester Modified Lipase Catalyzed Esterification in Organic Media
PAN Bing Feng and LI Zu Yi *
Expression of Brain derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Gene in Rat Myoblast Cells
LIU Jian; JIANG Qiong * ; GE Kai; SUN Lan Ying; LIU Xin Yuan and ZHENG Zhong Cheng