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Peking University Education Review
2003 Issue 3
Analysis on the Impact of Students Aids on Higher Education Access
li wen-li; wei xin (graduate school of education; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
nu li gou zhu wo guo gong gong jiao yu cai zheng ti zhi ( xia )
wang rong ; yue chang jun ; li wen li
Why Do They Stop Schooling? A Case Study of Girls' Dropout in a County of Hebei Province
ma wan-hua; zheng zhen-zhen ( graduate school of education/institute of population research; peking u niversity; beijing 100871; china)
On the University's Tradition of Soial Criticism of Univesity: Its Origin and Contemporary Situation
liu zhen-tian ( national research center for higher education; beijing 100011; china)
On the Equity Problems in Massification of Chinese Higher Education
bie dun-rong; zhu xiao-gang (institute of eduational science; huazhong science and technology university; wuhan 430074; china )
Higher Education, Internationalisation, and the Nation-State
j rgen enders; translated by chen hong-jie and lv chun-hong (center for higher education policy studies; universiteit twente; enschede; neth erlands) (graduate school of education; peking university; beijng 100871; new time education development co.; ltd.beijing 100873; china)
Private Higher Education and Public Policy: Defining Private Roles in a Modernizing Economy
roger l.geiger; translated by liu hong-yan (higher education program; pennsylvania state university; u.s.a.) (graduate school of education; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
Considering Several Problems Emerged in Education for Quality
lu you-quan (institute of elementary education for reform and development; east china norma l university; shanghai 200062; china)
Criticism Upon the University Vulgarization
sui yi-fan (jiangxi normal university; nanchang 330027; china)
Reflections on the Development of World Class Universities
min wei-fang (peking university; beijing 100871; china)
The Trend of Education Reform in China on the Turning of the New Century:the Problems of the Relation between Education and the Market
lao kai-sheng (school of education; beijing normal university; beijing 100875; china)
On the Pedagogy of Individual Teachers
yang xu-dong; zheng ruo-ling (institute of higher education; beijing broadcasting institute; beijing 100024 ; china) (institute of higher education science; xiamen university; xiamen 361005; china )
On the Private Higher Education During the Period of the Republic of China (1912~1949)
xiong ming-an (school of education science; southwest normal university; chongqing 40 0715; china)
On the Conceptual Basis of the Imperial Examination System
chen hong-jie (graduate school of education; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
Integrated Curriculum of Practice Activity: Essence, Potential and Problem
zhong qi-quan; an gui-qing (department of curriculum and instruction; east china normal university 200062; china)
A Model of Integrated Learning in the Information Era
chen qi and zhang jian-wei (school of psychology; beijing normal university; beijing 100875; china) (institute of educational technology; tsinghua university; beijing 100084 ; china)
An Analysis of Influences of ICTs on University Instruction
zhao guo\|dong (graduate school of education; peking university; beijing 100871; china)
Is Globalization an Ideology? The Relationship between University and Nation-State in an Era of Globalization
yan guang-cai (international and comparative research institute; beijing normal university; be ijing 100875; china)