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Western Forum
2006 Issue 12
Inner Mongolian Storm in the Financial Circle
xin chen
Calling off Silver Union Card Raises Doubts
xie tai feng
Foreign Banks Seek Expansion in China
pang hong ; he li rong
Collection of Old Hanging Calendars Promises Good Potential
liu wen chang
Why Put an End to the Charges for Cross Bank Consultation
shi jian ping
A Small Business Can Work Wonder
Gaining an Edge from Better Service
liu dong feng
Farewell to Dual-currency Card
chen gang
A Further Reflection on "Customer-centered" Model
ai guo zheng
Exploring into the Last Territory of the Maternal Culture
wang pi zuo ; duan xiao ling
80/20:A Potential Rule for Bank Loans
jin jing
How Can E-commerce Secure Economy and Safety
ma li na
An All-round Reflection of "Inner Mongolian Phenomenon"
li han lin
Supposition of a Digitalized Cable Network
luo peng wei
Temptation for Chinese Cities:Financial Center
yuan zeng zuo
Who Is Responsible for the "Ceiling-Price" Hospitals
yang yi yong ; zhao zi qing
xi bei shu cheng
Closed-end Fund,Have You Purchased It
huang yi
zi xun
"Net" Our Network
Turn Anathema into Prayer
zhao chong sheng