High Speed CCD Digital Video Storing Technology
huang jin1 guo lihong1 li yan1 xing zhongbao1 yang xiaohon g1 zhang tongshuang2(1changchun institute of optics ; fine mechanics and physics ; chinese academy of sciences; changchun ; 130033. 2 china satellite maritime tracking&controlling department; jiangyin; 214431)
Research of Multi-Agent System Modeling Based on Agent UML
zhang xinming1 luo ying2 nian jinfei3 (1. changchun university of science and technology; changchun 130022; 2.shanghai comp air compressor co.; ltd; shanghai 201611; 3. research center of industrial automation ecust; shanghai; 200237)
Approach of Image Impulse Noise Reduction Based on Li fting Wavelet
wang lirong 1; 2 shen xuanguo1 wang yanjie3 (1communication engineer college of jilin university; changchun 130025; 2electronics and information engineer college of changchun university ; changc hun 130022; 3changchun institute of optics; fine mechanics and physics; chinese acade my of science; changchun 130033)
Design of Hard x-ray Depth-graded Multilayer
yao zhihua jin chunshui cao jianlin(state key laboratory of applied optics; changchun institute of optics; fine mechanics and physics; chinese academy of sciences; changchun; 130022)
A Measuring Method for the Taper of Bore
zhang liancun1 zhang guoyu1 xu xiping1 yang jixing2 yuan fe ng1 su shi1(1 college of opto-electronic engineering of changchun university of sc ience and technology; chanchun 130022; 2the 8358th research institute of the 3rd academe of spaceflight head office; tianjin 300192))