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Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
2005 Issue 9
relationship between leukocyte count and angiographical characteristics of coronary atherosclerosis
En-zhi JIA~ Zhi-jian YANG~2 Biao YUAN~3 Xiao-ling ZANG~4 Rong-hu WANG~4 Tie-bing ZHU~2 Lian-sheng WANG~2 Bo CHEN~2 Wen-zhu MA~22 Departments of Cardiovascular Medicine;3 Chest Surgery and4 Clinical Laboratory;the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University;Nanjing 210029;China
antihyperglycemic effects of total ginsenosides from leaves and stem of panax ginseng
Jing-tian XIE~ Chong-zhi WANG~ An-bao WANG~ Jian WU~ Daniel BASILA~ Chun-su YUAN~1 Tang Center for Herbal Medicine Research;2 Committee on Clinical Pharmacology;3 Departments of Anesthesia and Critical Care;the Pritzker School of Medicine University of Chicago;Chicago;Illinois 60637;USA
preparation of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 loaded dextran-based microspheres and their characteristics
Fa-ming CHEN~ Zhi-fen WU~3 Qin-tao WANG~3 Hong WU~4 Yong-jie ZHANG~2 Xin NIE~2 Yan JIN~2 Center for Tissue Engineering;College of Stomatology;3 Department of Periodontology and Mucosal Diseases;College of Stomatology;4 Department of Chemistry;Faculty of Preclinical Medicine;the Fourth Military Medical University;Xi-an 710032;China
influence of dosage forms on pharmacokinetics of daidzein and its main metabolite daidzein-7-o-glucuronide in rats
Feng QIU~2 Xiao-yan CHEN~2 Bo SONG~2 Da-fang ZHONG~3 Chang-xiao LIU~4 2 Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics;Shenyang Pharmaceutical University;Shenyang 110016;China
effects of ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on proliferation and cytotoxicity of cytokine-induced killer cells
Xiao-ling ZHU Zhi-bin LIN Department of Pharmacology;School of Basic Medical Science;Peking University Health Science Center;Beijing 100083;China
involvement of nociceptin/orphanin fq in release of hypothalamic gnrh mediated by orl1 receptor in ovariectomized rats
Xiao-fei AN Hai-ping CHEN Shu-lan MA Yi FENG Jun-wei HAO Bo-ying CHEN~1 Department of Neurobiology and Integrative Medicine;Shanghai Medical College;Fudan University Shanghai 200032;China
(x-helical domain is essential for antimicrobial activity of high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2 (hmgn2)
Yun FENG~2 Ning HUANG Qi WU Lang BAO Bo-yao WANG Research Unit of Infection and Immunity;West China School of Preclinical and Forensic Medicine;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610041;China
acknowledgement to reviewers
chronic morphine exposure induces degradation of receptive field properties of lgn cells in cats
Li-hua HE~2 Guang-xing LI~2 Xiang-mi LI~2 Yi-feng ZHOU~2 Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and School of Life Science;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230027;China;3 Laboratory of Visual Information Processing;Institute of Biophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100101;China
effects of cpg oligodeoxynucleotide on transcription factors gata-3 and t-bet mrna expression in asthmatic mice
Zu-qun WU~ Yi-ping XU~3 Hua XIANG~4 Hua-hao SHEN~11 Department of Respiratory Medicine;the Second Affiliated Hospital;4 Department of Pathology;the First Affiliated Hospital;School of Medicine;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310009;China;3 Department of Respiratory Medicine;Renji Hospital;Shanghai Second Medical University Shanghai 200001;China
overexpression of heat-shock protein 20 in rat heart myogenic cells confers protection against simulated ischemia/reperfusion injury
Yan-hui ZHU Xian WANG~2 Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology;Basic Medical College;Key Laboratory of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology;Ministry of Education;Peking University;Beijing 100083;China
histone deacetylase inhibitors for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
Danila CORADINI~1 Annalisa SPERANZA UO Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy;Department of Experimental Oncology;Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori;20133 Milan;Italy
honokiol inhibits arterial thrombosis through endothelial cell protection and stimulation of prostacyclin
He HU~1 Xiao-xue ZHANG~1 Yin-ye WANG~ Shi-zhong CHEN~31 Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Beijing University Beijing 100083;China;3 Department of Natural Medicinal Chemistry;School of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Peking University Beijing 100083;China
mitochondria-dependent apoptosis induced by a novel amphipathic photochemotherapeutic agent znpcs_2p_2 in hl60 cells
Hui-fang HUANG Yuan-zhong CHEN~2 Yong WU Fujian Institute of Hematology;Union Hospital;Fujian Medical University;Fuzhou 350001;China
therapeutic neovascularization by autologous transplantation with expanded endothelial progenitor cells from peripheral blood into ischemic hind limbs
Chun-ling FAN Ping-jin GAO Zai-qian CHE Jian-jun LIU Jian WEI Ding-liang ZHU~2 Shanghai Key Laboratory Of Vascular Biology;Shanghai Institute of Hypertension;Ruijin Hospital;Shanghai Second Medical University and National Key Laboratory for Medical Genomics;Health Science Center;Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200025;China
nitric oxide inhalation inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase but not nitrotyrosine formation and cell apoptosis in rat lungs with meconiuminduced injury
Mei-ping LU Li-zhong DU~2 Wei-zhong GU Xiang-xiang CHEN Neonatal Intensive Care Unit;Department of Pediatrics;Children's Hospital;Zhejiang University School of Medicine;Hangzhou 310003;China
association of polymorphisms in low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 gene with bone mineral density in postmenopausal chinese women
Zhen-lin ZHANG~2 Yue-juan QIN Jin-wei HE Qi-ren HUANG Miao LI Yun-qiu HU Yu-juan LIU Center for Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis;Osteoporosis Research Unit;the Sixth People's Hospital;Shanghai Jiaotong University;Shanghai 200233;China
effect of daidzin,genistin,and glycitin on osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells and adipocytic transdifferentiation of osteoblasts
Xiang-hui LI~1 Jin-chao ZHANG~ Sen-fang SUI~ Meng-su YANG~1 State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China;2 Department of Chemistry College of Chemistry and Environmental Science;Hebei University;Baoding 071002;China;3 Department of Biology and Chemistry;City University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China
blood pressure,baroreflex sensitivity,and end organ damage in hybrid offspring of spontaneously hypertensive rats and spraque-dawlev rats
He-hui XIE~2 Fu-ming SHEN~2 Chao-yu MIAO Ding-feng SU~3 Department of Pharmacology;Second Military Medical University;Shanghai 200433;China
involvement of gaba and opioid peptide receptors in sevoflurane-induced antinociception in rat spinal cord
Ying-wei WANG~1 Xiao-ming DENG~2 Xin-min YOU~1 Shu-xiao LIU~2 Zhi-qi ZHAO~31 Department of Anesthesiology;Xinhua Hospital;Shanghai Second Medical University;Shanghai 200092;China;2 Department of Anesthesiology;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University Shanghai 200433;China;3 Institute of Neurobiology;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China