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Journal of Beijing Broadcasting Institute(Science
2002 Issue 1
By The Use Of DSP To Realize Stereo Coder Based On Pilot Frequency
hao cheng-peng; xu wen-bin; yang fan(beijing broadcasting institute information technology school; beijing 100024)
The conditional access system for digital television broadcasting
jiang xiu-hua 1; long xue-feng 2 (1:electronic an information engineering department; beijing broadcasting institue; beijing 100024; 2:journat of bbi)
Information System Analyze and Design Method Discussing
feng fu-ping; liu zhen (dept. of management science and engineering; beijing broadcasting institute; 100024; beijing; china)
Analyzing the Ergodicity of Aperiodic Markov Chain by C language
yin hong-peng 1; song qing-feng 2; lu xiao 3(1:department of communication engineering; beijing broadcast institute; 100024 beijing; china; 2:china central television; 100024 beijing; china; 3: employee science and technology center training department; 2
Analyse of MPEG-4 System
shi dong-xin; lin zheng-bao (electronic and information engineerning department; beijing broadcasting institute; beijing 100024 china)
A Framework of Decision Support Systems for Applications on the Internet
song pei-yi; jia yang(management science department; beijing broadcasting institute; beijing 100024)
Application of Conjoint Analysis in Marketing
huang xiao-lan; shen hao(beijing broadcasting institute; beijing 100024; china)
Several Famous Science Experiments for the Essences of Light
huang zhi-xun(department of communication engineering; beijing broadcasting institute; beijing 100024; china)
Differential Gain And Differential Phase In Satellite Television Broadcasting
yang ling-jun(shengli oil field broadcast and television center dongying shandong 257000)
The Decision of the Stimulation Coeffcients of the Antenna Array by Genetic Algorithms
ma jun-cheng(nanjing television station; nanjing 21002; china)