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Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
2015 Issue 1
Consensus of Flocks under M-Nearest-Neighbor Rules
CHEN Chen;CHEN Ge;GUO Lei;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A New Peer-to-Peer Topology for Video Streaming Based on Complex Network Theory
MARZA Venus;DEHGHAN Mehdi;AKBARI Behzad;Department of Computer Engineering;Science and Research Branch;Islamic Azad University;Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology;Amirkabir University of Technology;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;Tarbiat Modares University;
Global Output-Feedback Tracking for Nonlinear Cascade Systems with Unknown Growth Rate and Control Coefficients
YAN Xuehua;LIU Yungang;WANG Qingguo;School of Electrical Engineering;University of Jinan;School of Control Science and Engineering;Shandong University;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;National University of Singapore;
Optimality Conditions and Duality for Nondifferentiable Multiobjective Semi-Infinite Programming Problems with Generalized(C,α,ρ,d)-Convexity
MISHRA Shashi Kant;JAISWAL Monika;HOAI AN Le Thi;Department of Mathematics;Banaras Hindu University;Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science LITA;UFR MIM;University of Lorraine;
Dynamic Power Saving via Least-Square Self-Tuning Regulator in the Virtualized Computing Systems
WEN Chengjian;LONG Xiang;MU Yifen;School of Computer Science and Engineering;Beihang University;Key Laboratory of Systems and Control;Institute of Systems Science;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Time Optimal Feedrate Generation with Confined Tracking Error Based on Linear Programming
GUO Jianxin;ZHANG Qiang;GAO Xiao-Shan;LI Hongbo;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Information and Control Engineering;China University of Petroleum;
Degree Distribution Dynamics for Disease Spreading with Individual Awareness
SHANG Yilun;Institute for Cyber Security;University of Texas at San Antonio;
Forecasting Container Throughput of Qingdao Port with a Hybrid Model
HUANG Anqiang;LAI Kinkeung;LI Yinhua;WANG Shouyang;School of Economy and Management;Beihang University;Department of Management Sciences;City University of Hong Kong;Research Center on Fictitious Economy and Data Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Optimal Reinsurance Under Distortion Risk Measures and Expected Value Premium Principle for Reinsurer
ZHENG Yanting;CUI Wei;YANG Jingping;Department of Finance;Beijing Technology and Business University;Department of Financial Mathematics;Peking University;Department of Financial Mathematics;School of Mathematical Sciences and Center of Statistical Science;Peking University;
Minimizing the Risk of Absolute Ruin Under a Diffusion Approximation Model with Reinsurance and Investment
BI Xiuchun;ZHANG Shuguang;Department of Statistic and Finance;University of Science and Technology of China;
Study on the Intraday Pattern and the Dynamic Correlation Among Return,Volume and Open Interest——Evidence from Chinese Commodity Futures Markets
LIU Xiangli;WANG Shouyang;School of Finance;Central University of Finance and Economics;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A Continuum Percolation Model for Stock Price Fluctuation as a Lévy Process
WANG Ning;RONG Ximin;DONG Guanghua;College of Management and Economics;Tianjin University;Department of Science and Technology of Information;Tianjin University of Finance and Economics;School of Science;Tianjin University;Center for Applied Mathematics of Tianjin University;Department of Mathematics;Tianjin Polytechnic University;
The RCH Method for Computing Minimal Polynomials of Polynomial Matrices
YU Bo;ZHANG Jintao;XU Yanyan;School of Mathematical Sciences;Dalian University of Technology;School of Science;Dalian University of Technology;
A New Signature-Based Algorithms for Computing Gr?bner Bases
ZHENG Licui;LIU Jinwang;LIU Weijun;LI Dongmei;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Central South University;Department of Mathematics and Computing Sciences;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
The Fitzpatrick-Neville-Type Algorithm for Multivariate Vector-Valued Osculatory Rational Interpolation
XIA Peng;ZHANG Shugong;LEI Na;KIM Zhangyong;School of Mathematics;Liaoning University;Automated Reasoning and Cognition Key Laboratory of Chongqing;School of Mathematics;Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering;Jilin University;
Exact Bivariate Polynomial Factorization over Q by Approximation of Roots
FENG Yong;WU Wenyuan;ZHANG Jingzhong;CHEN Jingwei;Chongqing Key Lab of Automated Reasoning and Cognition;Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Aims and Scope