y microdeletions in the istria county,croatia
I.Medica~ N.Gligorievska~1 M.Prenc~3 B.Peterlin~1 1 Division of Medical Genetics;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;University Medical Centre;Ljubljana 1000;Slovenia 2 Outpatient Pediatric Clinic;Pula 52100;Croatia 3 Outpatient Infertility Clinic;Department of Gynecology;General Hospital Pula;Pula 52100;Croatia
rna in human sperm
Rui Pires Martins~1 Stephen A.Krawetz~ 1 Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics;2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;3 Institute for Scientific Computing;Wayne State University School of Medicine;275 E.Hancock;Detroit;MI48201;USA
cryopreservation of cynomolgus monkey (macacafascicularis)spermatozoa in a chemically defined extender
Ya-Hui Li~ Ke-Jun Cai~1 Lei Su~1 Mo Guan~1 Xie-Chao He~1 Hong Wang~1 Andras Kovacs~4 Wei-Zhi Ji~1 1 Kunming Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming;Yunnan 650223;China 2 Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China 3 College of Food Science and Technology;Yunnan Agricultural University;Kunming;Yunnan 650201;China 4 Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition;2053 Herceghalom;Hungary