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Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
2002 Issue 2
On the perfection of the Foreign Investment Legal Environment of Nanjing Municipality Under the WTO Regulations
dai desheng (dept.of law; nanjing university of economics; nanjing 210003; china)
Liquidity Crisis:Our Country's Commercial Bank will Face the Maximal Impact after Joining WTO
wu yuzhuang (department of finance; xiamen university; xiamen 361005; china)
Consideration on Accounting Principles of China and America
li lin (accounting department; school of business and management; shandong uni versity; jinan 250100; china)
The International Comparison of Lease Accounting Standards
hu guoqiang; jia jianfeng; ma qingqiang (school of accounting; southwest uni versity finance and economics; chen gdu 610074; china)
A Discussion and Analysis of Administrative Law in the International Technological Trade Area
chu min (department of law; nanjing university of economics; nanjing 210003; chi na)
Study on the Synthetical Evaluation for Tourism Resources Quality of Mounta in Style
wan xucai; xu feifei (dept.of business administration; nanjing university of economics; nan jing 210003; china)
A Study on"WTO Conformation" in China's Legal Model of Education
shen muzhu (dept.of law; nanjing university of economics; nanjing; 210003; china)
Analysis of the Human Capital Investment Subjects' Act in China
yan jianfeng; yang qiao (school of finance; zhongnan univers ity of finance and political law; wuh ang 430064; china)
Evolutionary Nature of Trade Liberalization and Trade Protection
zhong xin 1 ; wang renzeng 2 (1.school of economics; beijing norm al university; beijing 100875; chin a; 2.school of statistics; lanzhou bui sness college; lanzhou 730020; chin a)
dui jin rong ye jing ying ti zhi de chu bu yan jiu
zhang gui hua
A Positive Analysis on the Economic Effects of Utilizing Foreign Merchants' Direct Investments in China
li xing (school of economics and statistics; nanjing university of economics; na njing 210003; china)
Standard,Technical Trade Barrier and WTO-TBT
deng jingcheng (dept.of international economy; anhui college of finance and trade; bengbu 233041; china)
jiang su sheng fang di chan ye fa zhan qu shi yan jiu
hu rong hua ; han jian ; zhang xiao feng
jiang su fa zhan zhong xiao qi ye dui ce yan jiu
chen xiao dong ; tian li hua
Knowledge Economy and the Motivation to Improve
hu tianbing; wu guoying (1.school of economics management; southeast university; nanjing 210096; china; 2.dept.of business administration; nanjing university of economics; n anjing 210003; china)
shang yu jia zhi de que ren yu ji liang
guo min