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Financial Management and Research
2007 Issue 12
On the Blue and White Porcelain
dong qian
zhi du zhe
On Mukesh·Ambani,the Indian Tycoon
zhang rui
On Etiquette in Offices
wang fei
How Export-oriented SMEs Get Rid of Growing Troubles
sai xue jun
yu xu xin qiao yuan chang fen xiang shi qi da
xu xin qiao
qi wu nong qing ying
xue gu xiang
Research Analysis of the QDⅡ Financing Products
chen xiao xin
zhi chang ren shi de dong ji yang sheng bao jian
shao jian
Moldova:Sea Is Near at Hand
cai tian xin
Analysis and Forecast of International Financial Market
tan ya ling
Rethinking about the Asian Financial Crisis
chen song ; zou xue ping
On Financial Opening-up Process and Risk Control Capabilities
bi peng ; zheng zhen dong
On the Credit Risk of Group Customers and Countermeasures
zhu yu ping
On Fiscal Policy and Social Harmony