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Journal of Nanjing University (Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences)
2002 Issue 5
Studies of the Emergence of "Hiromatus Philosophy
Noe Keiyichi
An Analysis of Allocation Effect in Chinese Economy
LIANG Dong-li
Public Ovtuership and British Labour Party
LIU Cheng
Authoritative" Politics and Singapore’s Modernization
CHEN Zu-zhou
A Brief Study of Terror, Terrorism and Terrorist Crime
BU An-chun
On Chinese Buddhist Ethics and Its Modern Relevance
WANG Yue-qing
On the Categories of Fiction in the Tang Dynasty
JING Kai-xuan
Exploring the Tang-Dynasty Poetess Li Ye: Her Life and Poetry
CHEN Wen-hua
zuo zhe xu zhi
ben kan bian ji bu ;