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Studies of International Finance
2005 Issue 7
Constructive Ambiguity in Bail-out Projects and Its Implication for China
shen wen yi ; xie zuo
SIPO in Bear Market:A Case Study of Deutsche Telekom and Its Implication for China
zhao jing mei ; wu feng yun
huan qiu jing ji yao kan gai lan
A Study of Measurement of PD in Commercial Banks
zhou zuo ; yang bing bing ; chen hong ; xu xiao si
Using Buyer's Usance Credit for Fund Raising
cao hong bo ; wang teng
An Evaluation of Chiang Mai Initiative and Reform Proposal
he fan ; zhang bin ; zhang ming
Bank Capital Pool and Management of Authorization Card
qi ze rui
A Study of Background,Effectiveness and Strategy of An Integrated Asian Bond Market
zhao xi jun ; liu bing hui ; li yue
Real Estate Market, Bank Lengding and Economic Growth
li hong zuo
An Empirical Study of Performance of Universal Banking:A Global Perspective
wang yi ming ; chen lang nan
guo ji jin rong da shi ji