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Beijing Geology
2004 Issue 3
Cause and Prevention on Plate Crack of Concrete Road Surface
yang shang-ping (jinhua construction engineering company of nuclear industry department; zhejiang jinhua 321017)
The substrance and process of urban geology survey
hou hui-fei 1 gao ya-feng 2 wang shuan-zhuang 3 guo yan 2 (1.jianlng shool; shijiazhuang 050081 ; 2. science & technology information center of bureau of geologic exploration & mineral development of hebei province shijiazhuang; shijiazhuang 050021; 3.general geoloical team of shijiazhuang; shijiazhuang 050081)
Application of Numerical Value Inducation to Revise the K-Ar Isotopic Age
zhao zhong-hai (beijing institute of geology; beijing 100011)
The Establishment of Rock Hierarchical Unit for The Ehu Intrusion and an Analysis of its Tectonic Environment
wu wen-ge 1; 2 xie wei-hong 2 (1.china university of geology; wuhan 430074; 2.no. 916 jiangxi geological party of jbgmr; jiujiang 332100; china)
Petrological Characteristics and Structural Deformation of Yunmengshan Magmatic Complex, Beijing
ji guang-yi 1 wang yang 2; 3 sun yong-hua 4 (1. geological institute of beijing municipality; beijing 100011; 2. guangzhou institute of geochemistry; chinese academy of sciences; guangzhou 510640; 3. division of petrology; china university of geosciences; beijing 100083; 4. geological survey of beijing municipality; beijing 102206)